View Full Version : Anticipation of panic

30-03-06, 11:04
Does anyone find that the anticipation of a coming event is usually worse than the event itself?

Whenever I have something on the horizon which I don't want to do (and sometimes which I do want to do) such as a visit to the dentist or having to travel somewhere, I find that the panic symptoms start well in advance and I have a daily sense of dread which grows worse the nearer the event gets.

I have to travel to France on Sunday, which I do a couple of times a year for research, and I'm sitting here feeling awful - nauseous, burning stomach, twinges in the lower ribs, aching arms, shoulders and lower back and expecting what Claire Weekes calls 'the ultimate' at any minute. It is really frustrating because I love my research in the little archive in Dijon - but the 6 hour train journey either side of it , the crowds and being surrounded by noisy fellow travellers and being away from my safety zone for 2 days is enough to make me quake in my boots. I've done this trip over 10 times but it doesn't get any easier in terms of the panic - I'm usually OK when I'm there but the thought of it is making me ill.

If I could just go and do it on the spur of the moment when I'm feeling OK and positive it would be much better than having to plan ahead and have time to let the panic grow.

Am I just getting more pathetic as I get older or do others have the same experience of anticipation? I'd feel better comparing notes with other neurotics!!

30-03-06, 12:12
I know just how you feel. I try to tell myself "It is just a thought, it will pass" My daughter is getting married next year, and she is already going round looking at dresses, and understandably she wants me there. I have been to two so far. The day before we go I feel sick, headache , upset stomach you name it I feel it. Like you say pathetic. She understands and is a power of strength. Yes we could just go and do things when we feel well enough, but think of the achievment you get when you went anyway no matter how you felt. Probably it won't be so enjoyable while we are there, but the more we do it the better it gets, until it becomes second nature. (I long for that day)

Jenny xxxxx

30-03-06, 12:13
Oh no I think this is common for pretty well most of us mate.

I feel like this with all events and then find when I get to them they are nothing like as bad - beginning to start learning the lesson now [:I]:D

Love Piglet xx

"Supposing a tree fell down, Pooh, when we were underneath it?" said Piglet.
"Supposing it didn't," said Pooh after careful thought.

30-03-06, 12:56
I'm the same...once i'm facing the situation it is never as bad as I thought it would be...and none of the things I fear happening ever actually happen!
Hope your trip goes ok. Good luck, you're not alone.

"A Journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step"

30-03-06, 16:36
I long for the day when I start learning the lesson.... my grades so far have been a definite C- !!!!!!!!!

But it's good to know I am in such august company!