View Full Version : could me stopping taking citalopram induce some sort of mania

01-02-11, 11:38
Around 2 years ago i was very depressed and anxious so i went to my GP and got 20mg of Citalopram to take each day, i took then for 15 days but just couldnt handle the side effects so quit, but 3/4 days after i quit i felt my mood getting better and better and i had around 3 weeks of complete hapiness, it was like i could walk on water and all my insecurities and anxietys had just disapeared, all i wanted to do was socilise and went out drinking alot, i wasn't even getting hangovers the next day which is very unusual for me, of course it didn't last forever and my mood sadly leveled out.

Has anyone ever had similar experiences with citalopram lifting there mood once they stop?

because i would take it for 15 days and stop again if i knew i was going to feel like i did for them 3 weeks:D

01-02-11, 12:05
ive been on and off them for 6 years only ever had 10mg or 20mg came off them once for about 6 months but ended up back on them because of withdrawal sypmtopms i got for the last 2 years ive been on 10mg untill xmas i upped my dose due to a family thing goin on but didnt feel it was doing much for me so am also on propranolol 80mg slow release been on this 11 days seen little improvement so far seeing my doc 2morrow wether to continue or not....hope u feel better sonn xx

01-02-11, 15:13
Yes, a/d's can induce hypomania/euphoria. I had it coming off amitriptyline. Well documented withdrawal effect.

04-02-11, 05:09
Not coming off it, but yesterday I felt euphoria on day four of 20mg Citalopram.