View Full Version : Dealing with panic attack?

01-02-11, 15:44
How do you deal with it?

Next weekend i'm going to a very busy place and i'm already worrying about it so much, i end up thinking everyone is watching me and laughing at me.

i just wish i didn't care what people think but i do so how can i deal with it,please help?? :weep: :weep:

01-02-11, 19:15
"i just wish i didn't care what people think but i do" >Unconnected

Yes, I know how it feels - this constant worrying about what others might think of me was the bane of more of half of my adult life. It's horrible!

But it is not written in stone and there are things one can do about it. This will require some change, however. Change of the way you are thinking, change of your attitude towards others, and acquiring more healthy ways of looking at things. And of course to curb back on defining one's self-worth so exclusively through others, that one is permanently compelled to be perfect, which closes the horrible cycle of high anxiety, and puts it yet another notch higher indefinitely.

All this is not necessary. There are ways of changing these habits into less self-defeating patterns, and particularly Cognitive Behavioural Therapy can be very beneficial, not just in acquiring some awareness of how one's mind works in this respect, but also in terms of learning to actively deal with it. It won't happen from one day to the next, and will require some personal input, but the results are well worth it!