View Full Version : Muscle twitching - sorry!

30-03-06, 12:39

i know there have been a few post about this, but its qute new to me and i'd like some reassurance!

Im worried cos of the meds im on (anti d's, migrane tablets, the pill & beta blockers ) that it is effecting my body - i keep getting sudden twitches in my arms or legs / jerks and they feel a bit weird.
Im prob worrying abut nothing i know, but just wanted a bit of advice? im scared im gonna have a fit or somthing.

Tatty B xx

30-03-06, 12:47
Hi Tatty,

If you look on the information packs that go with the meds, you may find that muscle spasm could be a side effect, so maybe an idea to check that.

But in any case many of us get muscle twitches/spasms/movements just because we are highly nervous or stressed. I certainly get it a fair amount and am not on any meds for anxiety.

In my experience, new symptoms can come along at various times, and sometimes they change when something changes in our mind.

Have you been on the meds long?


And when you get the choice to sit it out or dance, I hope you dance.
~Mark Sanders and Tia Sillers

30-03-06, 12:50
Hi ray,

The anti d's ive been on over a year, beta blockers since before xmas, the migrane tab's since before xmas and the pill for years.

It dosnt happen everyday, its just a bit weird when it happends all of a sudden :(

I stupidly worrying that it means im gonna flip and my whole body spasm and have a fit!!

Tatty B xx

april tones
30-03-06, 15:43
hi, i have them too! muscle spasms! you can get when really tired!
i get ones in my back! tht one isnt nice but makes me laugh!

fibrochat) http://apriltones.proboards54.com

30-03-06, 17:05
Hi Tatty,

I don't think there is a corrleation between muscle spasms and having a fit really. You can during one but spasms aren't an indicator that you will get one.

If you are worried i'd just mention it to GP next time you go?

But try not to worry it is probably just anxiety or maybe a side effect but nothing dngerous. : )
