View Full Version : Chin pain & shoulder ache HeLP

01-02-11, 16:13
Last night while out with friends i got a throbbing pain in my chin/jaw and on my left shoulder, indigestion, stabbing pain in middle back and felt nauseaous with pins & needles in my left arm (was cold outside and was going between inside and out)

Also had strange pain under left breast at the side!!!

Also found out exactly what happened to our friend aged 50 and his heart attack - had indigestion symptoms for 2 days before actual heart attack:weep::weep:

My pulse was 80 and i still feel bad today but the pains are all coming back along with extreme tiredness. I did have upper left wisdom tooth pain (gave me a migraine) on saturday

Is this normal for anxiety????? Dont no my BP as my machine is broken:ohmy::ohmy:


01-02-11, 19:51
Please can someone help or give reassurance please

i am home alone and so so scared

01-02-11, 20:13
I'm sure it is probably just anxiety. If it really is bugging you though, go to the hospital. At least then you'll be reassured by a professional! I know that always makes me feel better.
Hope you feel ok soon :hugs:

01-02-11, 20:21
thanks lizzie

i live in spain and it costs a forune to go to hospital or a doctors :ohmy::ohmy:

Im so worried its my heart as most of us here do:blush::blush:

it keeps moving - 1 minute in my jaw then my arm, then cheek then chest etc etc but i am petrified and my mum is out so i cant even fone her and my husband is at work

01-02-11, 20:47
i want to burst into tears and its getting worse:weep::weep:

I feel like im honestly dying and dunno what to do

My cheek is now all tingly and the pain has moved to middle of my chest so im even to scared to go to sleep incase i dont wake up or have a heart attack

01-02-11, 20:49
the wisdom tooth pain, can cause migraines, you jaw and neck sholders to tense, if the pain is in a bottom tooth, due to the way your nerves work, you may feel pain in your neck and chest, a sharp pain a heavy tight muscular sensation.
it can case head pressure too and dizziness, ear ringing , etc....
I've been having problems for a few months with my teeth and still waiting on an appointment :(

you maybe be getting TMJ symptoms too, jaw tension, pain, numbness in face etc..

01-02-11, 20:51
do you know if the toot infected?
feels warm,
bad taste in mouth,
you might see the pus around the edges of the tooth.
use warm salt water x

01-02-11, 20:52
its my upper left wisdom tooth but the pain is moving all round - right across both shoulders but i am hunched over a hot water bottle to help which i dont think it is and here on the laptop but i just cant cope - i just want it all to end

01-02-11, 20:52
I freaked out the first few times i got the weird feeling but have it so long now all i can do is out up with it, i understand how depressing it is x

01-02-11, 20:56
have you taken pain killers?
the tooths rather close to a main nerve you see, so if that gets irritated it can cause all sorts of odd sensations.
I've often got pain like you describe when I'm having teeth problems.
is there anyway you could go to the ER? or see a dentist?
If you have anything with codeine, like nurofin PLUS that should help a little bit.

my tooths really painful at the moment, my jaws aching like crazy and I got a headache.
Ive had much worse tooth pain where I felt really ill but some strong painkillers helped me, x

01-02-11, 21:03
im so glad u r here

i keep losing internet signal and its awful :( i have had panic attacks for 14 years and i dont know if i feel worse after finding out our friend had all these symptoms the day before he had his heart attack an is now awaiting a bypass :( :(

I found out on sunday and felt like this since monday morning now too

I have taken 4 kalms today, 2 ibroprofen, 4 paracetamol and 1 diazapem and 1 amitryptline but nothing is helping

I also must have eaten about 10 rennies and cant stop burping but i know my cheeek isnt caused by this

01-02-11, 21:10
aw its normal, I would be scared too x :hugs:
jaw and chest and arm pain, :lac:

you worried and scared and are afraid the same might happen to you.
But women and men do get different symptoms though when it comes to hear attacks x

anxiety can upset your tummy though,
I'm assuming the ER isn't free over there?

but you know the rest of the pain is more than likely from the tooth x ]the tablets may have upset your tummy x

01-02-11, 21:20
unfortunately not - even the ambulance alone is €75 :O

I am trembling like mad, hot then cold etc but i dont have a temperature

I just dont know what to do anymore

01-02-11, 21:21
btw i reallly appreciate u listening to me ramble on mishel

02-02-11, 17:18
well today no face pain as yet but tight chest and asthma bad today - 1st time in 3 months

my husband seems to have the same thing today and has been sick so now unsure if its a stomach bug combined with a flu

02-02-11, 17:23
hope your feeling a litle better leia x

02-02-11, 19:50
chest just eels like it being squashed but have been lying on hot water bottle with laptop on floor and it feels worse

pains shooting up and down arm and fingers and trembling inside and feel hungry bt can out eat small ammounts

is this classic anxiety or something more complex