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View Full Version : more lymphoma worries!

01-02-11, 16:54
im really sick of worrying about lymphoma.
i've worried myself sick about lymphoma for just over a year and a half now and i'm really bored of it. everyone's reassured me i'd be very poorly by now if i had it.
i'm really scared as i have swollen lymph nodes which i've had for about 2 to 3 years now, they don't hurt and haven't changed in size and are also moveable. nurse has checked them and said if it was lymphoma it would be much more firmer and grow in size.
a few months ago also, about 7 months ago i went into a mad frantic and started googling lymphoma (stupid i know!) and it stated swollen spleen is a symptom with a pulled muscle pain. woke up the next day and had the EXACT same pain, everyone seems to think its muscle tension as it is a lot better since i stopped worrying about it so much but it's still there a bit.
i feel great, so why can i not convince myself i don't have lymphoma?
it's so bothersome, and lately i googled spleen pains again (i'm really obsessed with the spleen area) and pain down the left arm is one, woke up the next day had that too which comes and goes every so often have been very anxious lately.
i'm becoming so obsessed with lymphoma, i know by now i'd be very poorly and out of energy all the time but i can't help but think i'm one of the rare cases!
please help be somebody i've come so close to having a panic attack all day, what can i do to stop all this? :( xx

01-02-11, 18:56
u have to accept its not cancer. cancer WOULD BE growing, getting harder. Ive got 3 in groin and big one in neck, not growing, bit hard but not badly hard, ive had ultrasound and they are reactive nodes, from a previous infection. thats all. theyve been there for 5 months now! docs said some people are just unlucky and get them pop up and wont go away. my doctor has 4 blessim! just accept its not cancer babe. honestly, ur fine :) xxxx

01-02-11, 19:30
thank you so much crazyhayz :) i had a word with my mum about it before who's a nurse and has seen people with serious lymphoma and she said she can tell just by looking at me i don't have it and by now i'd be very very very poorly and not be able to get up for college in the mornings.
feel so rotten today, been worrying non stop about it! bleeding HA :( xxx

rachael t
01-02-11, 22:27
hi i keep having the same worry but havnt been as bad since doctor did blood tests they can tell frm your red and white cells if you have any problems so maybe that mite help you x

01-02-11, 22:41
My dad had lymphoma and was so ill when diagnosed that he could hardly get out of bed.

If u have had them a few years and it was lymphoma you would know about it by how

I no its hard not to worry, i worry about my health all the time,

mandie x