View Full Version : Does anyone else have breathing 'problems' triggered by anxiety? :(

01-02-11, 17:00
Does anyone have the following:

You feel that your breathing is forced and laboured. You become conscious of how you are breathing and you have a hard time catching your breath. It seems like you have to force yourself to breathe, in fear that if you don't, you'll stop breathing and die. Or, for no apparent reason, you feel out of breath and find yourself doing an unusual amount of yawning in an attempt to catch your breath.

Ive been getting it worse these past few days and I'm trying to sort it and ignore it but it's starting to really worry be again. I keep worrying there's problems with my lungs, like a clot or something.

If you could all share and let me know how you deal with this I'd be so so so grateful. Thankyou xxxx

01-02-11, 17:26

I am exactly the same! I've even been on the phone to NHS direct today!

I try to tell myself that it's just the anxiety and to ignore it but sometimes it gets the better of me. I've been really bad since Friday and not really improving.

I suppose this doesn't really help you but I want you to know that there's someone else here that knows exactly how you feel!

Take care

Jade x

01-02-11, 17:49
i had same thing for 3 days it was awfull,what i did was just try to breathe in ur nose count to 5,out for 10..its hard cause u cant breathe i freaked out when i had this but it is anx hun ,and u have to take control over ur breathing,it makes u feel awfull.thats all i could think about for 3 days was my breathig u will get better try to stay clam as possible..tc hunni if u need to talk pm ,,,me anytime

01-02-11, 18:35
Yep. Laying down on your back and breathing from the abdomen helps.

01-02-11, 18:49
Hi. One of the things that I've learned to do is to find out what happens to the body during anxiety/panic attacks. I have found it extremely helpful. Like for instances when you are in the middle of a panic attack or very anxious your body is very much in survival mode which is why we have all those weird sensations going on because although there isn't any actual danger, our minds think there is. While in survival mode, there IS NO WAY that our bodies would stop breathing. Our bodies are there to help us survive. You will never just stop breathing. I have found it helpful to breathe in for 4 and out for 6. That way you aren't making your breathing worse. Good deep breathing makes your abdomen extend. Your chest should hardly move at all.
Hope this helps.

01-02-11, 20:10
Thanks guys for your replies, yeah it's such a frustrating symptom. I'm sure it causes my chest pain too. I find one of the only ways to solve this is to actually forget about the problem, then I'm not concentrating on it. But this is obviously really difficult as it's a fear of mine. Hmm :(

03-02-11, 04:00
"You feel that your breathing is forced and laboured. You become conscious of how you are breathing and you have a hard time catching your breath. It seems like you have to force yourself to breathe, in fear that if you don't, you'll stop breathing and die. Or, for no apparent reason, you feel out of breath and find yourself doing an unusual amount of yawning in an attempt to catch your breath."

Yes, yes, and yes. I could have written this post myself. I also have asthma, but anxiety exacerbates it and also, there is a difference between my asthma breathing difficulties and my anxiety breathing difficulties.

I like to get out into the cold or breath fresh air. Laying on my stomach and feeling my chest rise and fall helps. Also distraction, like reading a book or chatting with friends. Anything to get my mind off of it. Sucking on hard candy. Sometimes it lasts for hours, but I just have to reassure myself that it'll get better.

Also, with my asthma I have learned a few tips. Sit upright, and put your hands above your head. It really opens your lungs up. I also use my inhaler or nebulizer and that puts my mind at ease.

Belly-breathing is the best :)