View Full Version : i've been feeling worse than usual?

01-02-11, 19:27

For the last few days i have been feeling worser than usual like i'm more shaky and more nervous in public and sweating alot more. Does anyone have any advice? because it feels like im drawing attention to myself :weep:

01-02-11, 20:59
When its around "that time of the month" I notice my symptoms get worse.

Have you been prescribed any medicine. Usually a Xanax helps me to calm down. If you dont have any medication the only thing you can do is try to think positive and not negative and also take deep breaths and exhale slowly.

04-02-11, 05:23
^ Same as Faith, my time of the month I get more anxious/paranoid.

When you feel yourself getting worked up in public, just stop and try to breathe properly.