View Full Version : whats the point?

01-02-11, 21:40
Whats the point in anything. Im so stressed just now have loads going on and dont know where to start.
Ive just got over really bad flu and chest infection, still have cough and sore throat been going for weeks now. \im just so tired all the time and have no energy and dont know why!
Still need to find somewhere to live not much around at present, so panicing about this.
have loads of studying to do and 2 essays to write but lost motivation so getting in a bit of a tizz about this.
Where im working is really tough not enjoying it am on placement for my degree until may, there is also loads of changes going on there!!
Im not very good with change and its not just one thing changing its lots of things at once!!

Then theres other stuff thats triggering me to get anxious and panicky!!

Just seems never ending and hard work.

I ask myself whats the point cos i dont see any just now, wouldnt it be best just to give up!!!

oh never mind talking rubbish as usual.

01-02-11, 22:10
Hey hey hey...calm down and take a deep breath.

Sounds to me like you are being very hard on yourself right now.

I don't know everything that's going on with you but you certainly have a lot on your plate. It wasn't so long ago that someone told me that the way to eat an elephant is a bite at a time.

Make a list of all the things you have to do...prioritise them and allocate time to them, don't forget to put you on the list and build in "me time".
Try to remember that the work placement thing is just that-a placement - it isn't your whole life.

Listen to me (!):wacko:....two months ago I could barely get out of bed....but honestly you can only do one thing at a time so don't beat yourself up

Take care

01-02-11, 22:26

i know how you feel, sometimes there is soooo much shit you just feel like 'why do i bother'!! - but honestly it will get better , this is just a bad day!! even though the bad days are shit, they are the days when we make progress.

me personally i have a few 'shit' days then i have a few 'good' days, dont lose hope, just write everything down, tasks ETC and prioritse them and work through them one by one.

hope tomorrow makes you smile

sheryl xx

01-02-11, 22:39
thanks thyme and bezzaboo for your replies.

It just all pilling on top of me and seems a bit hurdle to get over and never ending.

I guess a change is good for most people but im just not good at dealing with changes especially when i have no control!!

But there gonna happen so nothing I can do about it.

As for studying need to get through it and can only do my best but thats not good enough.

I just feel like why whats the point in anything any more when you feel so rubbish...