View Full Version : Worried about Diabetes

01-02-11, 22:45
My dad was diagnosed with Diabetes about a week ago at the age of 60 I'm 22. I googled symptoms at the time to understand it but alot of it stuck in my mind.

My symptoms are:

*Feeling very unreal, disconnected from body, floating..depersonalization but seems worse.

*Been feeling weak and blurry alot the last few days.

*Read urge to do the toilet is common that doesn't happen much unless I drink alot I need to go very quick. Thirst not really too bad but sometimes...

*Dull vision on a more regular basis.

I've been quite bad again with HA lately. I've been telling myself for months there's something wrong with me so I'm maybe going to go to the doctors after my counselling was not as much help today.

My dad developed the symptoms very quickly he was weak but he was not too active. I've been like that yesterday due to worry well I think worry maybe it could be diabetes? Been more active today but still worried. I read if undiagnosed you go into a comma so yes very worried.

But being honest it's the DP that's bothering me I don't believe it's DP as it gets worse and worse and worse until I can't function. :ohmy:

01-02-11, 22:49
Have you had a diabetes test? Maybe it might put your mind at ease? What do you do to distract yourself - are you working, at college, got any hobbies? Sometimes sitting around focusing on your worries can make them seem 1000 times worse - I'm sure you're OK and I'm sure that you know that deep down, it's just the anxiety making you feel so unwell. :hugs:

01-02-11, 22:59
Have you had a diabetes test? Maybe it might put your mind at ease? What do you do to distract yourself - are you working, at college, got any hobbies? Sometimes sitting around focusing on your worries can make them seem 1000 times worse - I'm sure you're OK and I'm sure that you know that deep down, it's just the anxiety making you feel so unwell. :hugs:

I've not had a test been a little while since I had a blood test. Is it the sort of thing that could go undiagnosed?

And no at the moment I find I'm absorbed by anxiety. I find it very hard to take my mind off anxiety.

01-02-11, 23:01
You should get a test done if you are worried Phil.

I am sure you can get them at Lloyds pharmacy and maybe some boots so you wouldnt even have to arrange a doctors appoitment.

02-02-11, 00:10
Thanks that's good to know what do they do in these tests?

Do my symptoms match anxiety though?

02-02-11, 00:30
A simple pin prick blood test Phil

Yes sounds like anxiety to me but haven't we been here before ?

02-02-11, 00:46
Yes sounds like anxiety to me but haven't we been here before ?

I guess so. Feel like I'm one of those ones not getting better though despite all the books, counselling ect. though.

25-03-11, 15:10
I don't want to google..but is regular bowel movements diabetes?

(Since my dad got it i've worried..my mum just mentioned it about my dad and I have worried for 1 hour now..come next week I'll be chronically worrying...) :scared15:

25-03-11, 15:25
hello :)

your symptoms are not diabetes Phil :hugs:

sounds the horrid depersonalisation to me . xxxx

25-03-11, 15:36
Hi Phil.

Yes i want to lloyds pharmacy and had a diabetes test. do not eat breakfast and go first thing in the morning. it is a simple blood prick test and you get the result there and then.

one night i convinced myself i had diabetes and spent all night crying and hyperventilating convinced i was going to go into a coma. i kept thinking i was thirsty and needed to pee at night and my vision had got worse. i went for a test the very next day and got the all clear! i suggest you do the same it's quick and simple and then you can eradicate the fear x

25-03-11, 15:39
Hi Phil.

Yes i want to lloyds pharmacy and had a diabetes test. do not eat breakfast and go first thing in the morning. it is a simple blood prick test and you get the result there and then.

one night i convinced myself i had diabetes and spent all night crying and hyperventilating convinced i was going to go into a coma. i kept thinking i was thirsty and needed to pee at night and my vision had got worse. i went for a test the very next day and got the all clear! i suggest you do the same it's quick and simple and then you can eradicate the fear x

Sounds like how worked up I get at times..I try and avoid tests I just fear not knowing and some how dying. My main symptom is regular bowel moments and feeling run down every day..some days I accept it's anxiety others I'm like this worrying over this or something else. :blush:

25-03-11, 15:52
what i remember the main symptoms are needed to pee a lot, being thirsty especially at night i think, and a decline in your vision,, so i think you can discount diabetes, but seeing as a family member has been diagnosed it may be common sense to put your mind at rest with a test. if you eradicate some of these fears you may lesson your depersonalisation?

25-03-11, 15:56
what i remember the main symptoms are needed to pee a lot, being thirsty especially at night i think, and a decline in your vision,, so i think you can discount diabetes, but seeing as a family member has been diagnosed it may be common sense to put your mind at rest with a test. if you eradicate some of these fears you may lesson your depersonalisation?

See thirst I could anxiously make myself like that but maybe the odd night I feel thirsty..I suffer OCD so always drink juice before bed. Not sure about vision had floaters/dull vison but alot of those symptoms passed, and again OCD I use the toilet alot. Basically I'll sit and down a cup of juice before bed and be up once or twice getting rid of it but same if I eat a biscuit I'll get diarrhea or I find after eating I get regular bowel movements is that all normal?

Not sure how I can get rid of the Depersonalization..life seems a sensitized place makes me go depressed, agoraphobic..

25-03-11, 16:14
Kidneys, urgency to urinate, frequent urination, sudden urge to go to the toilet

What you feel:

You have an urgent need to go to the toilet, even though you may have just gone. Starts decreasing urine output but initially wants to get rid of everything already waiting to be excreted. May need to visit the loo urgently.
What causes this:

High stress biology produces the need to eliminate. It does so because when the body prepares for action, it wants to eliminate all waste matter in order to make the body as well prepared for action as possible. Having all excess baggage removed, the individual will be at their peak readiness in order to 'fight or run' - the 'fight or flight' response, produced by the Emergency alarm.
This symptom is very common and often experienced by stage performers just before they are to perform. Unfortunately, for those who experience anxiety disorder, a high level of stress biology will produce this symptom, and as long as the stress biology is high, the symptom will be produced. That's just how the body was engineered.
Some remedies include ant-acids, diarrhoea medication, relaxation and deep breathing.

Seen that on the symptoms page so maybe anxiety can make me just go more for the sake of it?

25-03-11, 19:47
My husband is insulin dependent diabetic- have a blood test done by doctors or get yourself a blood testing kit from the chemist it will give you a read out, of your sugar levels within 3seconds.

25-03-11, 20:08
I dont think your a diabetic phil from reading what youve said in your post but if your still worried the only way youll put your mind at ease is to have a simple test done either at a chemist or at your doctors.
Im a diabetic and being honest the way it can make you feel ill i think youd know if there was something really wrong.
If you suffer low glucose levels you can feel really really weak, shaky legs, dizziness, have blurred vision, trembling, cold sweats, terrible thirst, feeling of a need to run to the loo etc.
It can yes occasionally feel similar in symptoms sometimes to anxiety but the difference is you can start to feel better quite quickly with diabetes by having a sweet drink and carbohydrate to bump up your sugar levels whereas with anxiety theres not a quick easy way to feel better.
Maybe you googling the symptoms is not the best idea for you it seems to make you worry more. The best idea is to have a test..itll only take a few minutes of your time and itll save you all that anxiety worrying over something that may never happen.
Take care