View Full Version : Brain Tumour eye floaters

01-02-11, 22:47
i am 16 and am a long suffer of brain tumour anxiety and my latest symptoms of a long line is eye floaters, of which i have had all my life but i have noticed more of them more recently.

Please can anyone tell me if eye floaters are related to brain tumours

Im truggling here

01-02-11, 23:26

If you had a brain tumour you would have loads of other things that just this

Can you go and see an optician?

01-02-11, 23:43
hi i've been a long term sufferer of eye floaters too, they're a pain arent they?
i've had them since i was 11, i'm 17 now and i go to the opticians regulary and my opticians have found nothing serious wrong :) its hard but you just have to try and ignore them unfortunately and keep telling yourself its not a brain tumor causing this, if you've been to the opticians lately and had your eyes checked over you'll be fine as apparently opticians can detect brain tumours, it may be worth going to the opticians if you haven't been lately to put your mind at ease but i can tell you it definitely doesn't sound like a brain tumour.
hope you feel better soon xxx

01-02-11, 23:52

If you had a brain tumour you would have loads of other things that just this

Can you go and see an optician?

so by saying not just that eye floaters are a potential symptom?????????????

02-02-11, 00:01
Oh sorry I worded that completely wrong.

I mean that eye floaters alone are not a symptom of brain tumours.

02-02-11, 00:14
Oh sorry I worded that completely wrong.

I mean that eye floaters alone are not a symptom of brain tumours.

Yes but i said that they were a long line of symtoms starting with headaches 6 months ago that have now subsided

02-02-11, 00:15
hi ya
just read your post and wanted to just tell you ive got eye floaters and have had them since a young age also,(and i paniced when i first had them) just want to reasure you by telling you im a grand old age of 43 now,:ohmy: and sill have them if not more, have you been and had an eye test at your optitions? they can reasurre you that eye floters are common, and also look at the back of your eyes to ease your worries, hope you feel better in yourself soon xxlindaxx :hugs:

02-02-11, 00:28
Ok headaches are not a typical sign of brain tumours either and if you had one after 6 months you would know by now if it was a tumour.

They have subsided so that is good.

macc noodle
02-02-11, 07:53
Deep breath .........................

OK you have had brain tumour anxiety for a long time and any symptoms you have come and go yes? Then quite simply you do not have a brain tumour. You would be in serious trouble by now if you had had recurring symptoms, increasing in intensity, over a long period of time.

Floaters are a pain and they can be increased when anxious or if we focus on them.

Get an eye test at the opticians - I think they are free if you are 16 - and make sure you don't need specs or have eye strain and try to focus away from the floaters.

Please try not to worry too much (I know easier said than done as I am a fellow HA sufferer).


02-02-11, 09:55
I have had floaters for at least 30 years and I am still alive! As macc noodle says, they are a pain in the bum, and we always tend to notice them when we're stressed or tired. Try to look past them at the outside world and you'll become less aware of them.

sarah jayne
02-02-11, 11:16
ive got floaters, ive had them since last summer but thats one symptom i dont worry about because i went to the optitions and the doctors n they both said they r nothing to worry about, specsavers optitions take a picture of behind your eyes which would detect anything.