View Full Version : Panic Attack in Public.

02-02-11, 01:47
Hey guys. Hope evryone is doing ok.

I had such a bad experience tonight. I was in my last class for the day at since before the class I was a bit panicky. I guess it all started when I had this ectopic heartbeat that scared the life outta me. It was completely random. As soon as I stepped out of the class I had a huge burp that I felt coming up from my chest. The gas was causing me palps.

But in my last class I was really hungry and I was tired so me being hungry wasn't really helping. I kept on having bad thoughts that my blood sugar would go too low and I'd die or something worse.

As soon as class finished, I rushed out to get home. It was dark, lonely, it was cold, raining and I thought what if I die out here. :weep: Then came the huge panic attack where I couldn't breathe and my heart was really racing. I needed to take the bus to dsave money but I took a cab from the bus stop to get home and now I'm home more exhausted than ever feeling guilty and worthless.

Sorry for the rant, it's the only place I could rant. :weep:

03-02-11, 13:15
Mark801 -- Feel free to rant anytime, and also if you need to, feel free to PM me anytime. I have become agoraphobic because I kept having panic attacks in public and I'm scared I'll either pass out or die in ront of everyone. I get them so bad sometimes I have felt like I was going to black out. So far, I haven't, but there is always that "what if" factor. I have to get myself together because I am starting a class next month and just thinking about it makes me anxious. I am starting to feel angry about all this and am tired of being a slave to my anxiety. I feel rotten emotionally and physically -- mostly physically -- all the time. I want my life back but I worry I will be like this forever. There was a time I could do things, there was a time I didn't even worry all that much, where did that go? Sorry, your message made me just want to tell you a little bit about my story. Just don't let these things cripple you like they have me. Hope you are feeling better today. Hugs, Wiskers ~

03-02-11, 16:29
Thanks for replying wiskers.

Sorry to hear you're suffering from agoraphobia. When my anxiety was high I used to be the same. But school was the one and only place that I'd be brave enough to go to. Nowhere else.

I don't get panic attacks in public but it's just that I was hungry and I started having panic symptoms. Then on my way home the weather was bad abd the area was lonely and it was dark and cold and it was like a switch flipped and the panic came on. I was coughing like crazy due the cold air as well.

I am better just a bit tired. Slept about six hours last night lol. i'm trying my best not to go back to the way I was. I'm 21 years old for crying out loud. My anxiety is literally ruining my life.

03-02-11, 18:00
Aww, Mark - I hate you are going through this, and at such a young age. I am glad you are feeling better, but I know what you mean about it ruining your life. I am currently reading two books: THE WORRY CURE and IT'S NOT ALL IN YOUR HEAD. Maybe once I get through them I will have some nuggets to share with you. ;)