View Full Version : MND worries still with me

02-02-11, 02:36
Hey everyone, I posted on here last week about my MND fears and now I have a more specific range of things to say. I have really sore , stiff and weak muscles from my elbow to my shaulder and my fingers are really stiff and weak at times too and sometimes my arm is so weak I can barely lift it and it shakes a bit too. Its only my right arm and my left arm sometimes gets like that too, but not as much. I also have been having pins and needles in my right hand and arm too occasionally. My mum and dad believe it might be from work as I work in a kitchen, but I'm not entirely sure. I'm only 19 and I havent really worked until the past month and I am pretty lazy and this is proberly the most exercise I've had in months in the kitchen (yet I'm skinny lol). I'm really hoping its either that or my anxiety getting to me again after a nice month long break from my anxiety and not the dreaded MND, its the worst health issue I had to think of! I really ought to stop googling as most people suggest as thats the cause of a lot of problems lately. Any help with this would be great again. :unsure: I know other people have been or are going through this fear too. :)

02-02-11, 03:30
Pins and needles makes me think a slightly pinched nerve :)