View Full Version : OMG i googled :(

02-02-11, 08:51
and im now convinced i have a brain tumour :weep:

I am just getting over a cold & for about 5 days i get this pain in my head when i bend over or cough & this morning i woke up with my left leg completely numb. I was lying on my back!

Of course this is a symptom of a brain tumour :( x

02-02-11, 09:54
From what I know, the most common starting symptom of brain tumours is a seizure. If you're getting head pain when you bend over or cough, it's much more likely that it's because your sinuses are blocked, and the numbness in your left leg was probably a result of lying in an odd position.

Don't google!!! :)

02-02-11, 10:22
Not a brain tumour!!!!

No googling allowed either :winks:

sarah jayne
02-02-11, 11:17
sounds like a trapped nerve in your back, i get it in my left leg and foot.

02-02-11, 23:47
I agree

You've had a cold and the pain in your head will be sinus-related (it's a common symptom). Colds cause all kinds of aches & pains all over the body and when tend to lie down more when feeling poorly so again I agree you might have just slept/laid in an awkward position.

Don't Google, come on this site instead - I've been Google free for five months now thanks to the support of NMP, it feeds my habit without the scare factor.

Give yourself some TLC and you will soon feel better.

PS. Steaming is the best for sinus/blocked noses!


03-02-11, 00:21
every things a symptoms of brain tumor , no symptoms are symptoms of a brain tumor.

My whole leg and foot went numb today and I got scared caused it seemed to happen for no reason x

yeah a trapped nerve,. thats a great explanation :)

03-02-11, 09:54
google is wrong it is never what we think it is, it will end up being nothing at all, go ahead get it checked out if you need to but try not to worry to much about it the day google will be right about our symthoms will be the day pigs grow wings and i stop drinking coffee... yeah...right... not likely.. :winks:

03-02-11, 10:41
You naughty girl Tash - absolutely NO GOOGLING.
Pain when bending over is most definately sinus related.
Please try not to panic about it as it will only make matters worse. Have you tried steam bath with some menthol crystals in for your cold/sinus's - its very good.
You may need to check with doc whether your sinus's are infected as that would require anti biotics.

Hope you feel better soon

Judi xx

14-02-11, 10:32
thanks all, im still getting this & im trying to not relate it to a BT. Im also dizzy a lot of the time but im so very tired as my 5 month old wakes every 2 hours through the night. Can tiredness cause dizzyness?

The headache kind of feels like a hangover headache :( x

14-02-11, 10:42
Ive had sinus problems for nearly a year now , i was convinced it was something serious , i feel dizzy alot and lightheaded , my teeth ache and I get "zap" like pains in my head. I find Otrivin is a great help even if my nose doesnt feel blocked sometimes mt sinuses are, also vicks sinex tablets are good , hope this helps.

i get random aches and pains and put it down to a rubbsih bed and Anxiety ! xx

14-02-11, 11:23
Hi Tash

I have had head pains almost every day for nearly 3 months. I KNOW that these are caused by TMJ disorder as the pains are in my jaw and neck too. However, every now and then, I convice myself that it is a brain tumor!!

Through my research on brain tumors and through talking to several doctors including a very good friend of mine, I have learnt that a headache is actually one of the last symptoms of a brain tumor and that you would usually suffer from all sorts of neurological problems to begin with such as losing sight or hearing or having major personality changes. My doctors are not concerned about my problem so much so that I have finally referred myself to an osteopath to see if that helps!!

You have several good reasons for feeling the way that you do. A headache that hurts when you bend or cough is a very common sign of blocked sinuses and if you are up every 2 hours in the night, you won't have the energy to fight this off. Try the boiling water steam inhalation etc. If it continues, you may need antibiotics so see how you go.

Take care and try to get some rest when the baby does (easier said than done I know!!)