View Full Version : I am so scared

02-02-11, 10:30
I had a routine eye test last week and there is something behind my retina, and I've been referred to a specialist. I asked the optician if it was cancer or whether I would go blind and he said no. Of course I dont believe him.

A friend who worked for an optician said that if something sinister showed up I would have been sent straight to hospital. I've got my appointment, privately, next week, and my fears have got out of control, not helped by having just started on Citalopram.

Googling (and I've read the info on doing this!) has of course scared me to death, but also that moles (not quite sure if its a mole) can be undetected throughout life, and very rarely do they turn cancerous. I've found one article which does shed a sensible and reassuring light on this, but I am just plain scared and can see myself passing out at my appointment. Not really sure why I'm writing all of this, other than to just help me.

paula lynne
02-02-11, 15:22
Hi, please dont pass your appointment. The optician would have definately spotted if something needed dealing with straight away. Please trust in what your optician said, they are, after all, qualified to deal with anything wrong very quickly.
You mention you just started Citalopram. Well from what Ive read on here, the first 10 weeks isnt a picnic...maybe your anxiety has kicked off because of that.

We cant control what is out of our hands. I know your anxiety is playing you up, but unless you go for the appointment, you'll just worry about it every single day. Its better in the long run that you find out what it is so you can deal with it. You can do it. Its important that you do. All the best. Paula x

02-02-11, 15:24
I'm sure you'll be fine :). Probably just doing the check to be on the safe side, taking every precaution; which is good that their doing their job properly. And like you say they wouldn't have let you walk out of there if there was anything serious going on.

When I was young I had to go to an eye specialist after the optition thought he found something. Can't recall exactly what it was. But I had to go to a massive clinic type place and get drops in my eyes and a full examination and the eye dr said there was absolutely nothing to worry about.

Sometimes they just do these things to be on the safe side. You'll be fine :)

02-02-11, 17:12
Thank you both for your reassuring and kind words. I definitely think the Citalopram isn't helping this. I know I've got to stick with it though.

I had to speak to the Opticians today and spoke to someone who seemed "in charge" and on the ball. She reiterated that the optician would definitely have sent me immediately to hospital, or the specialist would have seen me immediately (privately or NHS, makes no difference) if there was anything remotely suspicious. I do feel a bit better now. I'll post what happens. Maybe it will help someone else. What's so scary is that even with my health anxiety, eyes had never figured, and it was only a routine check that showed this up. I'm really grateful to you responding to my message. x