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02-02-11, 10:41

Does anyone sometimes feel really weak and lifeless. I've got extremely bad anxiety at the moment and for the last week my legs have felt so heavy and weak, my calf muscles sometimes seem to twitch all day! I'm having blood tests done tomorrow to make sure my anxiety isn't a 'medical' disorder such as a thyroid problem but I very much doubt it's that, I can feel it's me doing it. I just feel at the minute I'm shuffling around the house cos I feel so weak.

Any help would be greatly appreciated :)

sarah jayne
02-02-11, 11:28
yes i feel weak all the time. i think its because our bodies are so worked up all the time with our anxiety if that makes sense...x

02-02-11, 11:37
yes i get that often when iam walking my legs hurt like tense,its anxiety related xx

02-02-11, 11:56
I feel very weak & tired today and thats making me more panicky which in turn will make me more weak/tired-its a vicious circle!

02-02-11, 12:01
Same here! I was like that yesterday - I guess it didn't help I was woken up at 5,25am by my little boy.
When i have days like that, I worry more, which in turn makes it worse. Yesterday I tensed so much my neck, on left side is v sore today.

02-02-11, 14:34
Thank you for all your replies. I just can't believe how old I feel! I'm 29 and I feel like I'm shuffling about all unsteady like a little old woman! I also can't believe how fast it all comes on.

02-02-11, 15:12
Yeah I feel weak and tired, I find just getting outside and going for a walk helps. Even though last the last think you might feel like doing. Or have a hot chocolate :) the cocoa gives you energy but has relaxing properties too. Take care x x

02-02-11, 15:43
I'm constantly tired. I wake up tired and stay like it all day!! Sometimes if I'm occupied I forget about it but usually I'm aware of feeling absolutely shattered every day.

K xx

02-02-11, 15:56
I've also been feeling weak and tired..

is it best to keep active or just sit about? I feel all strange and blurry vision too worried I'm gonna die?

02-02-11, 16:19
Its deffo best to keep active , i made the mistake of sleeping all the time and convinceing myself i was really i,ll , i,ve forced myself back to some sort of normality and everything from heartburn to depression gets put to one side when you remain "busy" it really has helped me but its tough getting motivated .

02-02-11, 16:24
totally agree with mel2 on this one, it is tough, but i agree that when your busy or occupied a lot of symptons do tend to ease up a lot. Having said that don't overdo it too much, the main thing is that your mind is occupied and focused on something other than your HA. Good luck

02-02-11, 16:52
I agree it's best to keep active and busy, I just seem to have got into a rut where even the thought of going for a walk just seems like so much effort! I used to cycle ten miles a day, I feel like im lucky now to get down the stairs!

02-02-11, 17:54
Hi, Yes I get this too. I find the less I do and the more I sleep, the worse I feel!

03-02-11, 12:45
I also sometimes, especially at night, feel like all my muscles shudder at once, like I need to squeeze everything tight then let go, happens a lot when I'm really nervous like before a job interview etc. I hate all these little things!

jo h
03-02-11, 12:58
I feel totally lethargic some days i dont want to move off the sofa even if i have had a good nights sleep....i try and make myself do exercise easier said than done .....hope u feel better soon xx