View Full Version : School pressure reversing my recovery process :(

02-02-11, 11:06
I don't understand why people around me are incapable of understanding me, they tie me with ropes of expectations and await a robotic response. No wonder some students eventually commit suicide. I can clearly see how school is largely a detrimental aspect to my undergoing emotional/hormonal/psychological development. I have exams today and I wasn't able to study a thing, I really am at the tip of my nerves, about to cry relentlessly....:weep:

02-02-11, 11:23
Anyone ? No, really...ANYONE ?

02-02-11, 11:34
I'm not sure what to suggest Chris. Maybe you aren't well enough to sit the exam and should get a sick note from your doctor? Have you explained to anyone that you feel so under pressure? Who is putting pressure on you? Your parents? Teachers? You need to try to sort this out over the longer term x

02-02-11, 15:47
"I don't understand why people around me are incapable of understanding me" >ChrisK

Maybe because you're not expressing yourself all that well? Just a thought. Anxiety sufferers are notorious for not communicating their needs well, if they're communicating them at all. The thing is, other people can't read our minds, which means it would be beneficial to tell them exactly how we feel.

Another thing is boundaries. Not being able to set boundaries is often very much at the heart of anxiety, and sometimes one just hasn't learnt to say "No" (well, not without pangs of guilt, anyway!). It is, however, absolutely vital to learn to say "No", particularly if one is stressed out by people's demands already. It's a simple act of self-preservation.

Of course there are situations, such as your exam situation, where a "No" isn't really an option, or it wouldn't be particularly likely to be in your interest. Which reminds me of the serenity prayer by the theologian Reinhold Niebuhr:

"God, grant me the serenity to accept things I cannot change,

Courage to change the things I can,

And Wisdom to know the difference."

Good luck with the exams! :)