View Full Version : Bleeding head

02-02-11, 13:10
Hi All,

Wonder if anyone can help.

I'm having some really strange pains in my head and behind my eyes, lots of little twinges and a "wet" feeling, almost like my head is bleeding. It's freaking me out massively and making me very nervous.

I thought I'd got past my brain tumor worries but now I'm scared I'm falling backwards. I saw numerous doctors and had in-depth eye examinations, plus blood test and all was fine.

I'm too ashamed to go to the doctors again. . .

My only attempt to be somewhat rational is that I've done lots of driving recently, and carry lots of tension in my shoulders. . .but of course, I'm fearing the worst...

Anyone relate?!

Thanks in advance, x

23-02-11, 10:48
Skull fracture: A skull fracture is a break in the bone surrounding the brain and other structures within the skull.

Linear skull fracture: A common injury, especially in children. A linear skull fracture is a simple break in the skull that follows a relatively straight line. It can occur after seemingly minor head injuries (falls, blows such as being struck by a rock, stick, or other object; or from motor vehicle accidents). A linear skull fracture is not a serious injury unless there is an additional injury to the brain itself.

23-02-11, 11:11
Hi Nicole

Hopefully this is related to something else, possibly your anxiety re your health as you said before you have had other worries re your head in the past. Probably best to go to the docs to get checked out and gain a proffesionals opinion on things.

23-02-11, 11:39
i have brain tumour fears also nicola, so like u anything weird or different related to the head has me in panic mode...... i have had the feelings u have described and im not sure what they are/were, but i think the tension in ur shoulders u mentioned could be a factor, as when im tense thats when my head is at its worse.
Dont be ashamed to go back to your docs, if u r still worrying and it isnt feeling any better than a talk with your doc might help reassure u.
Take care

Debs x

23-02-11, 12:08
I have herniated disc in my neck which means my neck muscles etc are always very tense and worse if I do too much and I get all your symptoms plus loads more like a feeling as if something with lots of legs is walking up my temple or over back of my head or as if someone has just lifted up and dropped a hunk of my hair - the sensations are strong enough for me to grab my head thinking there really is something on my head. I also get a cold water trickling sensation down my temple and face as well.

My husband now had neck trouble due to wear and tear and just a few days ago he said he had the something crawling over his scalp feeling for a day so you can have these sensations and it be nothing more than tense muscles in your neck/head.

Meant to say I have had two brain mri in last two years and nothing wrong with inside my head! Well not other than mentally!!!!!

24-02-11, 21:23
I had a lot of the symptoms you describe for 2 years, and was on here a lot. I had so many investigations, and they all found nothing.....it was sinus issues. I have now got daily headaches again and think it is the same thing yet am panicing all over again :(