View Full Version : Lymph node lump

02-02-11, 13:40

I posted a few days ago as I'm very worried about the pain I've been getting just above my collarbone in my lymph node. Well this morning I was rubbing it because it was tender and I felt a small pea like lump (a bit smaller than a pea though) and now I'm scared stiff.

I have an appointment with the GP tomorrow but just don't know how to get through today, I cannot focus on anything as I'm so worried and my 2 small children (aged 2 & 4) are getting the brunt of it. I'm literally shaking like a leaf and I'm really worried that the GP will not take me seriously because of my HA history. What do I do if he refuses to do tests????

K xx

02-02-11, 13:55
Yes it is could be a raised lymph node. I have had some in my jaw for over 20 years and they have never changed and are harmless

Don't worry about it please - it will be fine.

02-02-11, 14:42
Same from , i,ve had them in neck , under arms etc and they checked out as nothing . Apparantly sometimes they swell and never go right back down .
Get it checked , trust the doc and you will be fine .

02-02-11, 15:26
Thanks ladies.
I've scared myself by 'googling' and every site I looked on said that any swelling or pain in that area is considered abnormal. I'm terrified :weep:, especially as I'm waiting to see a chest specialist at the moment (due to blood in phlegm & aching shoulder).

K x

02-02-11, 15:31
Yes, not to worry yourself, my son has this he first got it when he was 3 months old and still has it he is now 5, the docs keep an eye on it, but other then that nothing to worry about.

02-02-11, 15:36
Thanks Tinker. I'm trying not to worry. Did your son have a lump just above the collarbone? Did they ever say what it was?

03-02-11, 11:01

For the past few months I've had lymph nodes that I can feel in my armpits and in my neck. My dr sent me for a scan last week as I was driving myself mad with worrying. Turns out that even though I can feel the nodes they are still within the normal range of size. And actually measured alot smaller than I thought they were. My son has had a visable lymph node in his neck (about the size of a pea) which has been there for 3 years. Again perfectly normal in size.

I know that we think that we shouldn't be able to feel lymph nodes but it seems to me that even when we can feel them they can still be normal.

Your doc will put your mind at rest.


03-02-11, 11:54
Hi guys,

Thanks so much for all your support.
I went to my GP this morning and it turns out the lump isn't even a lymph node, it's a sebaceous gland (oil gland). He assures me it's nothing to worry about and cannot change into anything sinister, he said it will go on it's own in time.
BUT why is it that even when we've been to see a professional who has years of experience, we still have doubt in our mind. It's so frustrating, I'm doing my best to take on board what he said but there's a nagging voice in the back of mind saying 'what if he got it wrong'!!!
I will beat this horrible illness, I'm determined to take control of my life instead of anxiety controlling me.

K xx