View Full Version : How many of you get these symptoms? Trying to see exactly what HA causes,please read

02-02-11, 14:06
Hi everyone, I was thinking about health anxiety a lot yesterday. And I want to post about all my symptoms and worries, and hope that you'll all share yours to see what is actually caused by anxiety. Because I think there's so many problems that anxiety causes that aren't that well heard of. And maybe if people can check back to this post and read about different peoples symptoms in detail, then they won't google or worry so much. I know i've found so much relief talking to you all and finding out that someone has gone through the same thing as me. It's not so scary. But also hoping it'll put a lot of my (and yours) worries to rest. And share our stories and struggles. Thanks if your reply and read this :). Sorry if it's a crappy idea and my post is stupidly long!

My symptoms/worries: (in they're worrying order!)

Leg pain: from my hero, best friend, and dear dear mother passing away last October. I can't even describe the pain from this emotionally. Its beyond anything. I'm 22, so it's young to loose such an amazing mother and person. She passed away suddenly from PE, caused from DVT. Ever since I found out that a symptom of DVT is leg pain. I've developed leg pain in the left leg. I'm not 100% sure it started exactly the same time, or I was just more aware of it after discovering this. But nonetheless started the terrifying battle with health anxiety. I have been constantly comparing my left leg to my right, measuring them to check ones not swollen, feeling the temperature, looking at the colour. Squeezing it to see if it's tender. Most of my attention is focused on this one leg, pretty much all day somewhere in my mind. I've been to A&E checked for clots twice with blood tests, and the DR's twice about it too. And they all say the tests are normal and I don't have a clot. I think I've gotten a bit better recently, I try to see reason; that the pain only started when I found out about DVT, it's there because I must be tensing my muscle, it's there because I focus on it, etc. But the other part of my mind thinks, if it happened to mum it could happen to me, why didn't the DR's realise that's what was wrong with her, I feel unlucky, etc. I just find it hard to convince my head it's NOT a clot. It's so hard. And the more 'assurance seeking behaviour' and 'solution findinh' I do is apparently setting me back, according to the HA book I bought. But sometimes talking with others about similar anxiety problems helps me realise it is only anxiety, and therefore I can move on from it. The pain is still here, and seems to be getting worse, so I have been thinking it is scaitica. As the pain seems to fit that more. We're great at fitting what little evidence we have to our own case, and trusting our emotions and gut more than hard evidence and DR's advice. It's a hard battle. So does anyone experience muscle ache and pain in one limb? Is it worse when they focus on it? Do they dismiss DR's advice and still worry?

The second thing that I've had for a while now. On and off for about 8 months. Is right sided chest pain. I think originally I must have pulled a muscle back packing or something. And then I focused on it and freaked out so much it was breast cancer or lung cancer, and it didn't go away. It usually gets much worse when I'm thinking about it. I've had X-rays and tested and have been told it's anxiety. So I started looking at the way I hold myself. Sometimes I actually sit and stand with my whole chest tensed and my shoulders raised, so I take a deep breath and relax all my top body. I wasn't even aware I was holding myself like this. So I think this has helped. Even though I still get the pain, sometimes very bad. Part of me thinks it might actually be a gall bladder problem. But who knows! It is one of my most scary symptoms though, as it's tied in with clots in the lungs again :(. But long term chest pain apparently wouldn't be anything like lung clot pain.

I feel tired all the time. Sometimes sleeping feels like the only relief. I can sleep all night and most of the day and just not want to get out of bed. I have horrid dreams. I wake up with a jolt and a gasp like my body was holding it's breath in its sleep. I feel lethargic most of the time. Unless I have a solid plan for the day, or are going to exercise.

I have problems breathing 'correctly'. I feel like not enough oxygen is getting into my body, and I need to yawn or take deep breaths to make up for it. And I have a pressure on my chest that feels like its preventing me from breathing properly. Apparently breathing from your abdomen is important but when I try to do this I feel like I have to breath twice as fast and panic. This symptom is one of my worst :(. It's awful.

I get random pulse/muscle twitches in my right shoulder blade and in my leg. That feel like a pulse but I can feel them very hard through my body in these areas. This worries me when it's in my leg. Does anyone else get this?

Pins and needles/tingling in my left foot.

Randomly feeling sick.

That's all the major physical ones I can think of. I'm sorry if it was too long. I just think this is going to be one of my last posts, so if I could get everything out and get any help, stories shared, advice and similar situations I would appreciate it so so much. Thankyou so much if youve read all this and I look forward to your replies :).

02-02-11, 14:31
ElectricAlice -- you are very much like me. We both are victims of suggestibility. I can't even watch the news because if I hear of a certain illness, I am sure to get it. Don't even give me a symptom because I will feel it. I say this because your story about your mother (I am so sorry for your loss) reminded me of the time I was taking care of a stray cat and her kittens. The mama disappeared for a little while, and I adopted one of her kittens (the other had disappeared). Shortly after the mother returned and she couldn't walk. I thought she had been in an accident and broke her back or her legs. When I tried to get her help she bit me. I got her to the vet though and sadly she had to be euthanized. Turns out, she was rabid. This was the first time I experienced EXTREME anxiety. Even though I had all the shots, I was certain I would be the 1% they wouldn't work for. My anxiety was so bad my legs literally went numb for weeks! The concentration was in my legs because I made the association of her not being able to walk. And, of course, that only increased my anxiety ...
My grandmother (who raised me) passed away suddenly almost 3 years ago. I had a nervous breakdown over her death, and I ended up worrying about my heart because she had died of congestive heart failure (although from what I have heard I think she, too, had a blood clot). I went to the ER twice due to heart issues -- chest pains and irregular heartbeats and tachycardia, and I had to call 911 once -- something I never thought I would do because I don't like the attention. I spent again WEEKS with my heart just on overload. It was so scary!
Around two Christmases ago, I learned my grandfather was dying. I started grieving and with it came hyperventilation. I remember times I just couldn't breathe, but I knew it was stress and grief. Well, at the same time, I read that Britany Murphy died suddenly of "cardiac arrest" -- that's all it took for the headline to read. Then, someone my husband knew died of a massive heart attack the same day. That increased my anxiety and on my way somewhere that week my heart did the scariest thing it has ever done and now -- over a year later, even though my physician has told me I am fine, I can't stop worrying about my heart. I keep getting weird flutters, light flutters and a rush to my head, sometimes I feel like I am going to black out ... .. it has gotten so bad I have become agoraphobic. I am a prisoner to this anxiety. It is all emotional, but I can't convince my body of this.
That's where your symptoms are coming in -- it is all emotional. No doubt your mother's death was traumatic, as my grandmother's was, and it takes a long time to move through it. And, anything else outside of that is an extention of that. You and I just need to get to the root of the problem, where these emotions are coming from and learning how to cope with them before they turn into debiliitating anxiety. I am angry now that I have allowed this to happen to me, and I am trying to get out and work on making changes in my life. But, I am scared, and I am tired of the panic whenever I go somewhere. I am not living anymore. Please don't let this consume you like it has me. You are going to be just fine. Hugs, Wiskers ~

02-02-11, 19:03
Thanks for your reply, im so very sorry for your losses, it's a terrible thing to go through. We're the same that focusing on things must increase the symptoms, etc. I'm sure you'll get there :) just keep going, and you'll make it. Have you tried any cbt books? These are quite good I find. Good luck and thanks for sharing your story. I appriciate it xx

02-02-11, 20:38
Anyone else? :)

02-02-11, 20:40
Hi i think its a great idea to get peole'ssymptoms down. I am in a pretty bad place at the moment in terms of HA. I have been suffering for general anxiety for a number of years. I had 2 miscarriages and then was sucessfull with my 3rd and i now have a beautiful healthy 18month old daughter. I think realistically my HA has started after having her,i am just convinced that i have underlying serious illness that i am going to die from very soon. I think its has stemed from not wanting to leave her. I am currently on anti-depressants fro anxiety and also beta blockers for palpiations. Personally i think i may need them increasing slightly.

I have been having palpiations for many years but had got really bad last year, had 2 24 hr ECG's which showed nothing and also had chest xrays which was clear. I get chest pain daily sometimes feeld like electric shocks other more dull and achy. I am covinced something is wrong with my heart - my nan died last year of heart attack and heart disease.
Breathing is also huge and like you i have times when i feel i cant get enough air, so have to yawn or take toomany deep breathes. I went o yoga and learnt some breathing exercises which are relaxing but i still feel its something underlying.

At the weekend i felt really dizzy and lighhtheaded. now i have started with a feeling of something stuck in my throat behind my breastbone, i get gurggling in my throat when i lay down.
I am convinced my glands in my throat are permanatly swollen although had these checked with blood tests and all these were clear. However i have subsequently found a lump in my throat which i am having a scan on next week, this isn't helping things as i am covinced i have lymphoma or throat cancer.
I have also started having a feeling of pressure in neck/face when bending over - look on google brings up SVC which can be brought on by cancer.

Ive had enough its taking over my life and i want it to stop, i am hoping to start some CBT in the next few weeks.
This site is great and when i start get irrational about things i come here and it calms me down.

Good luck to us all

anx mum
02-02-11, 20:46
Hi everyone, I was thinking about health anxiety a lot yesterday. And I want to post about all my symptoms and worries, and hope that you'll all share yours to see what is actually caused by anxiety. Because I think there's so many problems that anxiety causes that aren't that well heard of. And maybe if people can check back to this post and read about different peoples symptoms in detail, then they won't google or worry so much. I know i've found so much relief talking to you all and finding out that someone has gone through the same thing as me. It's not so scary. But also hoping it'll put a lot of my (and yours) worries to rest. And share our stories and struggles. Thanks if your reply and read this :). Sorry if it's a crappy idea and my post is stupidly long!

My symptoms/worries: (in they're worrying order!)

Leg pain: from my hero, best friend, and dear dear mother passing away last October. I can't even describe the pain from this emotionally. Its beyond anything. I'm 22, so it's young to loose such an amazing mother and person. She passed away suddenly from PE, caused from DVT. Ever since I found out that a symptom of DVT is leg pain. I've developed leg pain in the left leg. I'm not 100% sure it started exactly the same time, or I was just more aware of it after discovering this. But nonetheless started the terrifying battle with health anxiety. I have been constantly comparing my left leg to my right, measuring them to check ones not swollen, feeling the temperature, looking at the colour. Squeezing it to see if it's tender. Most of my attention is focused on this one leg, pretty much all day somewhere in my mind. I've been to A&E checked for clots twice with blood tests, and the DR's twice about it too. And they all say the tests are normal and I don't have a clot. I think I've gotten a bit better recently, I try to see reason; that the pain only started when I found out about DVT, it's there because I must be tensing my muscle, it's there because I focus on it, etc. But the other part of my mind thinks, if it happened to mum it could happen to me, why didn't the DR's realise that's what was wrong with her, I feel unlucky, etc. I just find it hard to convince my head it's NOT a clot. It's so hard. And the more 'assurance seeking behaviour' and 'solution findinh' I do is apparently setting me back, according to the HA book I bought. But sometimes talking with others about similar anxiety problems helps me realise it is only anxiety, and therefore I can move on from it. The pain is still here, and seems to be getting worse, so I have been thinking it is scaitica. As the pain seems to fit that more. We're great at fitting what little evidence we have to our own case, and trusting our emotions and gut more than hard evidence and DR's advice. It's a hard battle. So does anyone experience muscle ache and pain in one limb? Is it worse when they focus on it? Do they dismiss DR's advice and still worry?

The second thing that I've had for a while now. On and off for about 8 months. Is right sided chest pain. I think originally I must have pulled a muscle back packing or something. And then I focused on it and freaked out so much it was breast cancer or lung cancer, and it didn't go away. It usually gets much worse when I'm thinking about it. I've had X-rays and tested and have been told it's anxiety. So I started looking at the way I hold myself. Sometimes I actually sit and stand with my whole chest tensed and my shoulders raised, so I take a deep breath and relax all my top body. I wasn't even aware I was holding myself like this. So I think this has helped. Even though I still get the pain, sometimes very bad. Part of me thinks it might actually be a gall bladder problem. But who knows! It is one of my most scary symptoms though, as it's tied in with clots in the lungs again :(. But long term chest pain apparently wouldn't be anything like lung clot pain.

I feel tired all the time. Sometimes sleeping feels like the only relief. I can sleep all night and most of the day and just not want to get out of bed. I have horrid dreams. I wake up with a jolt and a gasp like my body was holding it's breath in its sleep. I feel lethargic most of the time. Unless I have a solid plan for the day, or are going to exercise.

I have problems breathing 'correctly'. I feel like not enough oxygen is getting into my body, and I need to yawn or take deep breaths to make up for it. And I have a pressure on my chest that feels like its preventing me from breathing properly. Apparently breathing from your abdomen is important but when I try to do this I feel like I have to breath twice as fast and panic. This symptom is one of my worst :(. It's awful.

I get random pulse/muscle twitches in my right shoulder blade and in my leg. That feel like a pulse but I can feel them very hard through my body in these areas. This worries me when it's in my leg. Does anyone else get this?

Pins and needles/tingling in my left foot.

Randomly feeling sick.

That's all the major physical ones I can think of. I'm sorry if it was too long. I just think this is going to be one of my last posts, so if I could get everything out and get any help, stories shared, advice and similar situations I would appreciate it so so much. Thankyou so much if youve read all this and I look forward to your replies :).

Thanks hun for sharing your thoughts i could of wrote that myself i get alot of them symptoms. The breathing one is by far the worst had it all day 2day feels like im not getting enough air. Chest pains of all kinds, tightness, pins and needles in various places, dizziness

02-02-11, 23:47
The second thing that I've had for a while now. On and off for about 8 months. Is right sided chest pain. I think originally I must have pulled a muscle back packing or something. And then I focused on it and freaked out so much it was breast cancer or lung cancer, and it didn't go away. It usually gets much worse when I'm thinking about it. I've had X-rays and tested and have been told it's anxiety. So I started looking at the way I hold myself. Sometimes I actually sit and stand with my whole chest tensed and my shoulders raised, so I take a deep breath and relax all my top body. I wasn't even aware I was holding myself like this. So I think this has helped. Even though I still get the pain, sometimes very bad. Part of me thinks it might actually be a gall bladder problem. But who knows! It is one of my most scary symptoms though, as it's tied in with clots in the lungs again :(. But long term chest pain apparently wouldn't be anything like lung clot pain.

oh my goodness!
i have had this pain for so long in my left hand side so i can sympathize with you so much on how awful it is! at first i thought mine was a swollen spleen (seeing as i did the stupid thing and googled it!),my doctor felt around the area and said it doesn't even feel like a swollen spleen and just loads of knots and tension. sometimes i can go for like a day without it being so bad then the next it'll really hit me if i've had a day of worrying, but like you i focused on the way i sat and stood when i was stressed and im not really surprised the pain is there.
ive found hot baths helps for this though as it relives the muscles a bit :)
all sounds like anxiety though hun try and relax i know its hard xxx

04-02-11, 14:25
Thanks everyone for your replies :). It's so helpful reading them and I wish you all the best of luck, and lots of determination will get you through it. Miniholly, did you get the pain in your chest or your leg?

04-02-11, 16:07
i get it sometimes in my chest, its usually in my neck and ribs though its not as sore as it used to be, i do reccomend getting lots of good nights sleep as it always helps my pain :) xxx

sarah jayne
04-02-11, 22:22
I experience pain mostly on my left side, especially in my chest which is scary. Last year i had a headache for over 6 months, i get palpitations, i feel as if i cant breathe properly, pins and needles all over my body, lately ive been getting them in my feet alot, random burning pains, twitches, nausea, the list goes on...its horrid having anxiety its like living in hell its only my husband and children that keep me going :bighug1: