View Full Version : Feeling really weird... is this JUST anxiety?! Thought I was doing so well..

02-02-11, 16:28
Hi all,

Well im having abit of a down day - iv been doing so well lately as iv been having hypnotherapy but today i just feel really irritable and grumpy and just low!

I worked this morning, and i did panic abit there which in return made me really tired and drained, i then went to meet 2 friends in the pub for an hour.... again, i felt anxious and tired etc and when we left, i was waiting with a friend for her husband to pick her up and i suddenly had a random thought 'what if i panic and pass out?' .... came out of nowhere really and then i felt dizzy for a split second and felt really funny!

I have a phobia of fainting and im trying to convince myself that it was just anxiety and my fear bringing that sensation on because id already thought about it so it was in my head etc.... u have eaten plenty today so no reason to just pass out randomly!!

But its freeked me out abit..... i now feel really strange, my stomach feels empty and like im hungry, yet im sat here eating biscuits.. when i know im not REALLY hungry because i had a banana whilst in the pub and had my dinner before i went!

I also feel on edge.... i feel like something is building up inside of me and i just want to scream and let it all out..... strange as it may sound but i feel like i need a real good panic attack to let it all out....!! How wrong does that sound lol

Anyway, i just feel weird.. tension pains in face, jaw ache, drained, tired, low, empty tummy feeling, tense etc...... writing it all down shows me that this is just anxiety, but feeling the way i do im convincing myself that theres something seriously wrong!!

Im going to my bf''s in half an hour too...... please if anyone can reassure me id really appreciate it :hugs:x

02-02-11, 21:57
I've had the same recently. Any exercise or work makes me weak and there was a few times I had to rush for a biscuit which is not like me.

I think it's due to anxiety and all the energy it uses up.

Plus anxiety likes to come back when you just think you're getting over it..I'm getting alot of blips right now.