View Full Version : What is this

02-02-11, 18:43
Hi all day my tummy has Bern rumbling and groaning and it won't stop. I'm not in need of food. No pain in tummy but yesterday had twinges of pain under right breast. I'm not worried I just want to know what it is/ also started burping a lot now but this has only just started. Also when I was out I walled behind a car and got a big wiff of petrol which went right through me. I'm worried lol

02-02-11, 18:52
Don't worry! It sounds like it's just gas! I felt the same way for the last week. Here in the US, we have Zantac (not sure if you have that in the UK), which is what I took and it seems to have calmed my stomach. I had so much gas in my stomach and chest that I was sure it was my heart acting up again. Boy did I feel stupid when I let out a big burp and the pain in my ribs went away!! :blush:

02-02-11, 19:05
Thanks had pain under rib yesterday but no rumbling . Opposite today lol. Also feel nauseas sometime but that's been going on for weeks now.

02-02-11, 19:50
The back of my mouth and top feels horrlibe to. I'm not worried so it can't be anxiety, is it the petrol I inhaled. I just want to make it to tommorow :(

02-02-11, 19:59
Also I think pAin under rib is muscular as all upper body aches so it can't expain the rumbling

02-02-11, 20:42
hi i ve had this for weeks heartburn ,pain under my ribs on the right and nausea.i ve had reflux for years and usual meds for that weren't stopping the heartburn and sickness so i went to gp today and he thinks its a gallstones/gallbladder problem ,he s booked me in for a ultra sound this week to find out for certain .

02-02-11, 21:21
Hope all goes well. I'm scared of all this rumbling. The pain under ribs was a one off yesterday and pretty sure it's muscular lol

02-02-11, 21:27
I'm worried i can't sleep. Burping to and feel slightly acidity after burping. Had this for ages and worrying it's affecting me

02-02-11, 21:28
Started after taking antibiotics that's y I'm scared partly

02-02-11, 21:37
Also sometimes get noises In throat. Only happened once today

02-02-11, 22:32
Em.ma, I really think it's a gas/indigestion/heartburn problem! Antibiotics can irritate your stomach. I get rumbling in my stomach, chest, shoulder, rib area, etc. Gas does not just stay in your stomach! I've also had that gurling in my throat, which usually just means you have a bit of an excess of stomach acid. Try taking something over the counter and if that doesn't help, your doctor has a whole bunch of prescription strength medications that can get rid of that for you. I'm not a doctor, but it definitely doesn't sound like anything other than annoyance!

02-02-11, 22:33
Ugh...my stomach and throat both just gurgled as I posted my last post!!! What a coincidence, lol!!

03-02-11, 15:44
Thanks. Planning to go to docs soon if it carries on cause it has for months now another thing I need help with is my feet lol. Sometimes I get bad pain in my ankle live I've twisted it. it's so bad it makes me cry I also get a bad pain in my toes lol. It's aggrvatted by movement and then goes away after ten or so mins. I get it about onc every two days. I also get it sometimes. It starts but I stop it before it starts. Just got it for the second time today this has Been going on for two or so year. any spelling mistakes is cause I'm on my fone

03-02-11, 15:54
Also on my right hand the other day, I had a pain between my thumb and finger, just down from there and now there's a red circle there which wasn't there before and it feels funny bewteen my thumb and finger

03-02-11, 16:16
Also my toe is longer than my big toe And I can put my Toe ontop of my big toe which can start it off sometimes. Still got a feeling in my ankle from when I got the twisted pain earlier. I'm scared of passing away. I just want to learn to ignore all this. Ealrier on in lesson I was shaking but idk y as I wasn't worrying but I was cold all morning

03-02-11, 16:57
just knelt down to move something And it happens again in my two toes. They stick to each other ( no gap at all when it happens) helpp I'm freaking out N in soo much pain

03-02-11, 17:35
Also on big toe just up from it I have what looks like a little scan or spotA- it's a tiny circle which is white if looked up close. and a tiny cut fuehrer up from it and a little cut on my finger but idk were from and I'm scared I have something stuck in it also had headache/ nose pain/ tender feeling around nose agAn today . I don't hae this everyday but when I get it it hurts. Had bad sinus issues around Xmas, dizziness and migranie. I still get it now but only headaches/ feelings in ear sometimes. Scraed I have an infection

03-02-11, 18:01
Another worry is it hurts I press aganist all down the one side of amdomen and the centre of my tummy aches. In pain and nearly in tears which doesn't help

03-02-11, 18:25
now got the pain under ribs and im sore down sides this happened after i went to toilet

03-02-11, 18:41
last thing is ive been cold a lot today and i was awake since 3 am but i wasnt worried just need some advice so i can enjou my evening

03-02-11, 18:47
Emma, have you reread all your posts in this thread?

I think you really need to stop worrying about all your aches and pains and start focusing on how to sort out your health anxiety. We all have aches and pains in different places-it is very normal.

You need to start using distraction techniques and stop focusing on your body. It wont help making lists of all the things that you think are wrong-it will make you focus on them even more. You need to ignore them.

03-02-11, 19:04
Thanks:) I start counselling in a week . The maim thing worrying me is how eveytime I move away from my radiotor I shiver and get cold. been cold all day lol. I really try to ignore it but I'm so scared I'd death

03-02-11, 19:06
You are still focusing on it!


03-02-11, 19:29
I know lol. The only other worry I have now is the little red dot on my foot with area aroundit. The dot looks like blood but I touched it and it's raised. Scraed I got something stuck in it lol.

03-02-11, 19:34
there is always going to be something else because you are looking for things.

You need to tell yourself it is just a normal body recation/sensation and then do something to stop you thinking about it.

Dont even look at your body. Put some socks on and dont look at your feet!

Maybe go and get a pen and paper and write down a list of things you can do to distract yourself and then next time you find something to worry about you have to work your way down the list. You really need to try so hard to stop focusing on these health issues. It is hard but you need to help yourself to get better and writing lists of things that you think is wrong with you is really not going to help.

macc noodle
03-02-11, 19:59

I really feel for you - I know how horrible it is to be stuck in this vicious circle of constantly checking and looking for problems. But Kelly is right you have to make an real effort to stop the constat prodding and poking and examining your body - it is not going to do you any good long term.

I know that previously I have told you to write the list down of what was "wrong" with you but only to show you how you simply cannot have all this wrong with you and that it is created by anxiety and nothing more.

Good luck with the counselling - make sure you try really hard to do what they suggest and you will eventually find some light at the end of the tunnel.


03-02-11, 20:38
Hi Emma

Following the suggestion from Macc Noodle about making a list of all the things wrong with you-how about as a method of distraction you draw a picture of a body and then go through all your previous posts and label all the places that you have had concerns about in the past.
Hopefully you will then see that if there was actually a serious problem in so many places you would be such the unluckiest person on earth and surely the chances of having all those problems are pretty impossible.
You can then look at the picture when you are feeling anxious about your health to remind yourself that it is just your anxiety trying to scare you but it actually is nothing to be afraid of.

Hope you feel better soon.

04-02-11, 14:27
Thank you. I really like the picture idea. Will try it when i get home as my laptop is broken and i need a distraction.

I am fed up of the nausea (it occurs at any time even when im not anxious) i burp a lot and get IBS symptoms. I used to get this but nausea has come about the last few weeks and i cant help but think what if its affecting me :\

also another thing im worried about is my head (i put my hair up and down about 30 times in one day lol and brush it a lot as im obsessed with what it looks like) im worried i have caused my self damage to my brain and im going collaspe.

also was at a bus stop today and someone threw some liquid type thing at his friend but a little bit hit me and im worried it was something toxic lol even though it just looked like coca cola but it smelt funny.

04-02-11, 14:29
when i take my hair down it feels sore where it was up. Im really really scared and feeling a little shaky but im not shaking. If i was at home now i would proberly be nearly in tears :\.

04-02-11, 16:08
Also I thought my period had stopped. just went to loo and found a massive black ot. I thought it was feaces lol. There was other light brown blood to. I havnt bled at all over night on this period and I'm freaking out

04-02-11, 16:26
Also smelt pretty similar and now I hAve no blood again.. Why? This period has all been light brown or blackish . I can't do this anymore I just want to know I'm not dying. I want A normal period. It's been on and off all week, ligght, pAinless and odd colours. I normally get heavy, bright red and loads of pain

04-02-11, 17:05
I'm scared cos I got this "clot" and light brown stuff then no blood. Is it blocked or someting - also neve had a clot like this before except for this period and one at the start. Not even sure it was a clot. Also still freaked bout my head lol

04-02-11, 17:59
I'm scared now :( just want to live

04-02-11, 18:05
Oh I get that all the time hun, I'm sure it's just normal periods - they are always all over the place with me and can go one night without bleeding and then be really heavy the next day.. It's awful being a female eh :winks: Imagine if blokes had to go through what we do :winks: .. I'm sure you are absolutely OK - clots are normal too.

What do you do to distract yourself hun? It can't be a lot of fun constantly "scanning" your body for things to worry about , or thinking about your symptoms? Are you at school/college?


04-02-11, 18:47
Thanks. I curse being female sometimes lol. I'm in my first year of college. I never know how to distract my self. I have constante chest pain and muscle aches. Evreytime i notice something new i panic. Also still worried about sinus infection from a cold I had at Xmas

04-02-11, 22:06
I'm scared I have brain hemmorage. Hit my head in the shower and eith my straightners lol. Felt dizzy in the shower. Now getting weird pains in head.( and pressure in nose still

04-02-11, 22:09
Also earler felt a huge scratch like feeling on back n felt like somethibg was going into back :( worried

04-02-11, 22:11
Emms take some deep breaths in and out slowly and surely in through the nose and out through the mouth.. Sometimes I add an affirmation such as ' in quietness and confidence shall be my strength'. Call me old fashioned. Does your GP know how much you worry about yourself? EJ