View Full Version : does it ever end?? :(

02-02-11, 19:29
HAD a really bad night lastnight..... thinking i had throat cancer that came from my breasts and now i think the cancer is everywhere!!!!! its eating my mind up all this thinking and worrying its really getting me sick right now :( what can i do to help myself?? i mean i know i have a problem but still.... i always think im really genuinely ill and i keep myself awake from this worry all night :scared15: i m just soooooo tired from it all......

02-02-11, 19:51
You really need to get some therapy for the HA if I am honest.

Can you see about getting some?

02-02-11, 19:57
i know yes i do. i have been discussing this with my doc last year but i didnt think i needed to go down that road.... but like im not getting nay better and CANCER consumes my mind on a daily/hourly basis! gunna start thinking about it. i just wish it wud leave me alone :weep:

02-02-11, 20:11
You poor thing :weep:

I went through all this when i had my persistant sore throat , swollen glands under my arm , had to go to the breast clinic and i was the only bloke there . Then it was my stomach issues probably due to all the worry , then the swallowing thing etc....

With me i was i,ll to start with , but DR google made me worse and in the end i suffered with anxiety and depression , all this came on in the last three / four months .

Any way , what i,m getting around to saying is my dr said i needed a "break" from this cycle of what was illness , coupled with extreme anxiety over it .
I was prescribed cit 20 mg with 2 mg of valium when needed , i,m thankfull to say that the cit 20 mg seems to working great , it might be worth going to the docs to discuss , i,m glad my doctor could see what was happening because i couldn,t .

At your age throat cancer is virtually unheard of .

You know your fine , but its this Dam HA :mad: I still have my moments but can switch off now and tell myself i,ll worry tommorow as i,ve done all this worrying for 3 months and it made me ill !!

You,ll get there :D

02-02-11, 20:18
thank you soooo much for always making me feel that bit better! :hugs: i know yes deep down im fine but there's always a moment where im like but what if and im all over the place again. it never ends. its always one thing after the other with me. and now ive a horrible full pressure headache from all the worry. oh im def gunna try get some more help i think i wud benefit from it. i was actually indenial for a long time. but now i now i CANNOT and WILL NOT do this any longer.... im just so worn out and everybody around me thinks im nuts!

02-02-11, 21:08
Hey Missycat,

I could have written this myself. I am consumed all day/every day by thoughts that I have cancer. In my mind I have it in my lungs, stomach and then this morning I found a small pea-like lump above my collarbone and I'm convinced it has spread to my lymph nodes.
One minute I can convince myself that I'm being totally irrational but the next my mind is racing and I'm in full-on anxiety mode. It always comes back to 'what if this time it really is the real thing and no-one takes me seriously'.
I'm having Cognital Behavioural Therapy at the moment and although it's not helping me yet, I can see that long-term I will definately benefit. I've only been doing it a couple of sessions so I need to stick with it. What I've learnt so far is that when you have one of these anxious thoughts, write down the evidence you have to back it up. Not just that you feel you have it, it has to be hard, solid evidence. You may be suprised to find that if you really think about it, there isn't that much to back it up. It's hard to do but it seems to work.

Sorry for my rambling, I really feel for you because I know exactly how deserate I feel. I don't recognise myself anymore and just want it all to stop, I imagine you feel the same.

Take care and please feel free to PM me if you ever need to chat.
K xx

02-02-11, 22:04
Its a nightmare when it consumes you :weep:, i can remember not sleeping through worry in November , i spent the nights on the couch for weeks to not disturb my wife ,with burning skin , hot and cold sweats , neck and chest pain , shooting pains in my throat and head and feeling sick . All of this was brought on by anxiety .
I,m 45 , before this episode hit me i never ever worried about my health , in fact i had only been the docs about 3 times in twenty years .

Sometimes i feel we need a little help to get back on track , its either these tabs i,m on or that i,ve managed to pull myself out of this hole , i,m pretty sure its the meds though .

You could try the approach of "these thoughts are a nuisense " and start doing something to distract your thoughts but i remember it being so difficult at the time .
I still have this acid stomach issue but i really can,t be bothered worrying anymore , i,ve told myself it will go with the meds by mid march , if its not by then i,ll go back to the docs for the endoscope book in (maybe ..lol..) but untill then its getting better so i,m not letting the worry consume my life anymore .
I missed xmas with my kids as i wasn,t with it and i,m in a small amount of debt through not working , thanfully i,m back at work now .

My wife never worries , she says theres no point what will be will be , wish i was more like her.

It will get better for you :yesyes:

03-02-11, 20:08
thanks everybody for ure replys. glad im not alone in all this but it sure feels like it at times. today was a ok day mamaged o play and have fun with my daughter and make dinner and the usual daily going ons that i do. did think about having cancer but brushed it to the side and yes it came back but i didnt freak out! im ignoring my symptoms to the best i can... but something ALWAYS pushes at me to evaluate!! like right now ive a bit of a cough tickly one and im like.... throat cancer...lung cancer.. etc etc. at 24 i shudnt be worrying like this its INSANE. so have booked appointment with my gp and will discuss things.i really hope i can stop all this before i actually go crazy! (thats if i am already) :lac:

03-02-11, 20:25
Glad you had a better day . I think a chat with your gp will do you the world of good :D