View Full Version : How do you feel the day after a panic attack?

02-02-11, 23:45
Just out of curiosity, how do most of you feel the day after a panic attack. I posted a thread earlier about what happened to me last night and how terrified I was. I didn't have a panic attack like that in almost 6 months.

Anyways I woke up today completely drained and exhausted and the weather was bad so I decided not to go to school and now I have aches and pains all over my chest and back, slight shortness of breath and I am having palps. My reflux is also acting up but the worst thing is how lethargic I am today.

Please can anyone relate?:weep:

03-02-11, 00:08
yes i can,,the day after a panic attack i feel dreadful,,like youve said my whole body can ache,,i feel tearful,,my stomach acts up,,and i have constant miss beats,,i think most of us feel bad,,its odd but i cope better if ive had a bout one after the other rather than one in a blue moon

03-02-11, 00:12
Mark801 -- it really depends. If I have had a rough panic attack, I am usually exhausted for a day or so after. If it is mild, the exhaustion is short-lived, but in both cases I feel like I have had an aerobic workout.
Monday, though, I had to attend a funeral for someone who died in our community. I am agoraphobic, so this was very hard for me. I arrived an hour early and waited and while I was waiting, typical hyperventilation symptoms -- couldn't breathe, light headedness, palpitations, tingles. I had to walk out and get some fresh air. Finally when the funeral started it took every bit of my strength not to run -- I remember hyperventilating so much my limbs literally went from tingly to numb. I felt my head was detached from my body. I was so relieved when it was over (no disrespect to the lady who passed -- i am still sad about it) that I just got in my car and went. I was SOOO tired when I got home and I don't think I have fully recovered yet. It took so much out of me.
But, I did it, and I would have regretted it if I had left when I wanted to.
So, to answer your question -- I think it varies on the degree of the attacks, but overall, feeling just depleted is completely normal -- even days after. Hugs, Wiskers ~

03-02-11, 00:23
I feel totally exhausted today after my huge panic attack last night.

It was truly a nightmsre for me last night. It was cold, raining, dark and lonely on my way home and I started having weird thoughts that triggered a huge panic attack for me.

I slep well last night but it wasn't enough so I stayed home to sleep more but still woke up to feel exhausted and now I just feel so depressed on the way I feel.

03-02-11, 00:29
How do I feel ? totally knackered lol

03-02-11, 00:59
For me, it depends on how strong the attack was. A mild one may have me tired for a couple of hours. A strong one that wipes me out will have me dragging for most of the next day. Like you, I will experience all sorts of little aches the next day too.

03-02-11, 03:57
After a panic attack, I feel instantly exhausted and it lasts pretty much the rest of the day. Next day, I am usually fine. Unless of course I have another attack or general sense of unease. Which is most of the time...

15-11-11, 12:55
Sorry for the bump from so long ago, but topic relates to me. I had a severe panic attack 3 days ago. So bad that I couldn't make a fist, my hands and arms went numb and my legs felt like they weren't working. I ended up in A&E because I had never experienced one this bad before.

The hospital ran tests, they checked my bloods, gave me an x-ray on my stomach chest area, stethoscoped me all over. Said everything looked fine and let me go home.

These last two days have been horrible, my limbs feel leaden, my stomach is doing all sorts of things, appetite is diminished, I get dizzy spells, and I feel really cold so much so I shiver.

Is this normal so many days after a panic attack?

15-11-11, 18:31
I call it an Anxiety Hangover. The effects can last for days with me. I feel all jangly, as if everything is causing stress to my nervous system. And so tired I could sleep for days.

10-04-12, 08:13
Definitely agree with the 'anxiety hangover' - had my first panic attack in years whilst on holiday in Wales over the weekend. Boyfriend drove me to hospital yesterday morning whilst my heart was still racing and they did loads of checks then suggested it was a panic attach and gave me Valium. Last night I managed to get to sleep but kept waking up - heart felt okay but my head was full of weird thoughts.

I am so hungry from barely eating over the last few days. I felt odd in my own house, like I still wasn't at peace even though I thought I just wanted to get home.

Any tips on how to shake this weird, not-quite-right feeling would be much appreciated. I'm exhausted, hungry and worried I won't feel normal again..

28-06-13, 15:21
I had a major panic attack yesterday morning and the day before I hyperventilated so much that today my legs are really achey like I've been working out for days, from my groins to the bottom of my legs just aching and tired.. Slept ok last night but kept waking up having weird thoughts and mentally talking to myself and drifting in and out of sleep..

28-06-13, 15:25
If a big one, I feel physically exhausted.

21-06-14, 18:15
I also agree with the term "anxiety hangover". And I can also relate to having stomach issues, dizzy spells and complete exhaustion the next day. The thing is is that I was diagnosed with anxiety disorder years ago. I've gone a very long time now, almost a year, without one up until last night. And today? I'm feeling all of those horrible symptoms. I'm so exhausted and I just want to take a nap but when I try so I almost feel like I'm going to throw up. I just hope I'm not alone in this...

30-03-15, 18:52
Anxiety hangover sums it up very well for me too. I just had a weekend of anxiety and panick attacks, I never had them so bad before. (When I came down from the peak of the panick attacks I seemed to only come about halfway back to normal, so inbetween I was still in a terrible place, then another attack would come along, bloody awful. Today, no more attacks, just the hangover. I've been aching, shattered, lying in bed and trying to avoid absolutely everything.

02-04-15, 12:48
Back when I used to suffer from panic attacks, I usually felt very exhausted and a bit shaky; I just wanted to curl up in a safe, quiet place to rest.
It takes a lot out of you. Just remember that you ARE okay. Your nervous system is playing tricks on you, but you are perfectly safe :)
Take it easy.

01-02-16, 04:33
Up to 1 week to mildly recover; the day after a panic attack I feel jittery, weak, scared, fearful, sore chest, I'm not hungry, still nauseous and have the constant thought of when I'm going to have another panic attack, I'm tired but i'm afraid to sleep :blush:

02-02-16, 12:26
After a moderate/minor one - pretty much fine after it passes

After a major one - I don't feel right for days afterwards. I feel very spacy, mind goes blank but still in overdrive if that makes sense, detached, weepy and just not quite right. Physically I often feel achy everywhere, sick, no or little appetite, exhausted but can't sleep.

17-06-16, 22:16
Last night I had what I assumed to be a panic attack. I have asthma and I couldn't breath almost as if I were having an asthma attack, but I was shaking uncontrollably and I threw up multiple times. I was laying in bed wondering what was going on with me and if I was going crazy. My heart was acting up and I couldn't catch my breath. It was honestly one of the most scary things I've been through.
Today (the day after) I feel so messed up. I'm having awful anxiety over every little thing, I can't eat because I feel as if I'll get sick, I'm extremely hungry, I feel emotional and I'm in the mood to stay in bed all day. I'm not having any muscle cramps or soreness but I am still shaking a little. Please somebody tell me if this is normal or if I can do anything to help this feeling. I feel weak and scared.

16-11-17, 05:58
Anxiety hangover I love the term haha I had a pretty bad attack to nites ago and I am still tired, anxiety things I can normal deal with are getting to me and have trouble sleping

16-11-17, 09:55
Hi Everyone

Please check out the free CBT4Panic programme

The link is in my signature below