View Full Version : dwelling on negative thoughts and experiences

On The Outside
03-02-11, 14:58
I wish I knew how to stop doing this. I'm really finding it hard at the moment to distract myself from constant obsessively thinking about things that have gone wrong for me and hurt me.

It's been worse than ever recently because I've had my heart broken and am experiencing all kinds of painful thoughts and feelings. I can't see any hope for the future. I'm just constantly wallowing in my feelings. I only have a few people I talk to or email that help me take my mind off my negative feelings.

I've been obsessing about how to move forward with my life for years. I'm a prisoner to my own mind and procrastinating. I used to have to do all kinds of rituals but for a long time I've mostly had the "Pure O" type of OCD.

I wish I knew how to stop this as I've been having sleepless nights and struggling with how bitter and hurt a recent experience has left me.

03-02-11, 15:24
hi , just read ur post and u have just perfectly described how i am feeling! i to am no longer in realtionship (with a guy who did the opposite of what he said which left me feelin anxiious and confused,) to add to the anxiety i already deal with, my friends now live in dif countries or just married and kids so they no longer want to socialise as much, my head buzzes with neagative feelings and thoughts ,
my sister is my rock and shakes me out of it , tho its hard to get motivated sometimes, i have now made my self a promise that i will get through this and that its up to me to change things that no one can do it for me, what i find works best is to plan things so i have something to look forward to and excercise it really wrks , when i get motivated enough! :noangel:, im getting my self a count stepper (peadometer) to challange my self to beat it every day which helps me get out an about, i still have blips though like today , havent really moved from the sofa , but not goin beat myself up as 2morrow is a new day!! keep talking to people that are availble or ask ur doc for help , i did some counselling which helped a bit , try herbal remedies like BACH FLOWERS (holland and barrett) and every time u have a neagative thought , make urself think of a positive one and big up your self for all the good things in life!:flowers: and treat ur self , i put 5pound away each wk and treat my self end each month, stone massage is awesome !never been soooo relaxed and helps me sleep like a baby, reflexology is another great treat benefits are amazing, take action and your life will move forward naturally! xxx:bighug1: