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View Full Version : Scared to drive? Phobia of cars?

03-02-11, 15:03
hello, I was browsing and found this site -sort of by accident but not! Anyway the reason I thought I'd join and post is because up until about two months ago I used to be scared to drive. I couldn't even get in my car on some occasions or if I could I would either take quiet back streets or keep stopping and getting out until I calmed down enough for the cycle to begin all over again! :scared15:
I just thought Id share my experience as I know completely how awful the panic attacks are and overwhelming even when you know its all in your mind, but I was introduced to a self help program for drivers with a fear or driving and cars. Now I'm back in the seat -so to speak! Im over the moon and wanted to share so I hope it is of as much use to someone else as it was to me.Thanks:yahoo:
www.driving-fear.weebly.com (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/www.driving-fear.weebly.com)

03-02-11, 16:16
thanks for that, I haven't learned to drive yet at age 24 because of that reason, the thought that my anxiety will just be so hard to deal with if I start drinving so I'll definitley take a look anad I'm really glad it's worked for you