View Full Version : Depressed during the winter.

03-02-11, 16:34
Hey guys, I was wondering if anyone felt depressed during the winter?

It's weird cuz up to last winter I really enjoyed it. They say that people usually enjoy the weather around their birthday. But I've noticed this winter ha been the complete opposite for me.

I live in NYC where we've had a horrible winter so far. We've had about 8 snow storms with 3 mega ones. It's come to a point where I just want it to be over.

I usually hate summer since I get breathless on hot summer days but now I want it so bad. The cold makes me sightly breathless and I'm still recovering from the flu I had. I can't go anywhere due to the snow, cold weather, and ice on the streets. I already fell twice this witer and now I'm truly sick of it.

Lokking at the snow even ona bright sunny day makes me sad and depressed. Does anyone feel this way at all. I just saw on the news that we have six more weeks of winter left and that just made my moring worse.

03-02-11, 18:11
I've never liked winter but I used to like the snow. As an adult however (and in this stupid country which just can't seem to get to grips with anything but light drizzle) the fact that the country seems to shut-down every time it snows depresses the hell out of me - I start to go stir crazy at a hint of snow. Cold can certainly aggravate asthma type symptoms, it's supposed to help if you keep your face covered.

03-02-11, 18:29
I hate it too. I feel trapped, panic about "what will I do if I'm ill" and long for some sun.....however, like you, I feel breathless in the heat. A good 25 degrees would be nice. Where shall we all move to ? !!
I have looked into a S A D lamp but they are soo expensive. Not sure what the answer is really x

03-02-11, 18:46
It's weird cuz up to last winter I really enjoyed it.

Not sure if this is also true of the US, but bear in mind this is supposed to be the worst winter we've had in a century (in the UK but from what I've heard similar is true where you are).

It might not be like this every year is what I'm saying!

Winter does make everyone feel a little worse but the best thing you can do is make the most of it! Try to enjoy getting cosy indoors and maybe look into SAD lamps and that kind of thing if you can afford it!

04-02-11, 09:23
Good point this - do far the winter has been exceptionally bad in a lot of places, and I think it has been getting people down who usually manage to tolerate it. Also, I think that as the bad weather started early, it has made lots of people feel that winter is just never going to be over.

I've suffered from Seasonal Affective Disorder for quite a long time, and I've found a light box to be very useful.

I saw the first snowdrops this morning so maybe that's a good sign!!

04-02-11, 17:19
I live in NY too, but in WNY!! So I know what you're talking about. We didn't have any sunshine here for the last 2 months and now we've had 2 days worth of sun and I feel like I'm going blind, lol!!

The doctors in the US are now saying that Vitamin D is important for your overall health, as well as for anxiety and depression. They are recommending that during the winter months, everybody take a 400iu supplement of Vitamin D daily, especially if you live in WNY (lucky me). The people in WNY should take more. Its funny that they are finding Vitamin D to be so important because I always have the hardest time with anxiety and panic starting in February. If you look back at my medical history, that's when the trips to the doctor start!! They last right through the end of April, when the weather turns better here and the sun starts shining! I don't think I've ever been to the doctor in the summer - I usually don't have much anxiety in the summer! So I've started taking a D supplement and we'll see how that works out. Rigt now I'm in the middle of that horribe winter slump too, so you're not alone!

05-02-11, 01:23
I feel the same too - I had anxiety and depression during the winter months too, I hate winter. I can't wait for summer to come and make things better!! But in 2002, my depression lasted all year and went on for 3 years!!! But this time, I hope it is mild depression, as I am down about other things as well this year, not just winter.

Starry xx

07-02-11, 07:12
I've noticed this too, I long for summer. I think having a lovely sunny day makes everyone feel less anxious and generally more happy.