View Full Version : Repeat blood test for liver function - panicking.

03-02-11, 17:41
I had a blood test done to test my liver function as I have been taking large amounts of paracetamol over past 3 years following a stomach operation. I didn't need to take as much paracetamol as I have. Anway, went for blood test and now doctor has asked me for another test to check Gamma GT and B12 levels. HELP. What does this mean?? I am tired alot - I am panicking I have got liver damage. I've got a job interview on Monday, now I feel so sick and anxious. Anyone out there help me?? I am female, 38 years old. Any advice or similar experiences out there??? I feel weak with fear!!:ohmy:

03-02-11, 18:41
Have a read of this:


GGT is usually alcohol related if it is high so I don't know if you drink alcohol or not?

He will be testing B12 as if you are defficient in that it can cause tiredness.

If you had liver damage you would have a yellow/orange colour to your skin and the whites of the eyes.

03-02-11, 22:11
Thank you so much for your reply - I used to be a heavy drinker but gave up totally about 7 years ago. It could be liver damage due to paracetamol intake. And yes, I do get very tired often, so probably am deficient in b12. Thank you, I will check out the link.

03-02-11, 22:51
Ok good news about the alcohol then.

What sort of doses of paracetamol do you take then as I take quite a lot at times. The last few days I have been having some every 4 hours in the day but none overnight as I have hurt my back.

03-02-11, 23:18
Had an addiction to the painkiller Paramol - a mixture of paracetamol and dihydrocodeine. Have managed to stop taking it but still take pure codeine phosphate and occasionally Syndol (combination of paracetamol and codeine) for bad headaches. I think I am very anxious because I had a close friend who died from Leukeamia and I am paranoid that I am going to get cancer and die too. I often feel really weak - but this could caused by my anxiety. I am overweight and smoke too - I know I've got to change and soon!

03-02-11, 23:58
ahhh ok. All I take is panadol which is just paracetamol I guess?

Sorry to hear about your friend - it doesn't mean you will die too though I promise.

You will get there in time - small steps

04-02-11, 09:19
Hi Nicola and Sam

I used to work with pharmacists in my last job, so picked up all sorts of useful information about drugs, so:

Panadol is just a brand name for paracetamol. The usual maximum dose for paracetamol is no more than 8 x 500 mg tablets in any 24-hour period (i.e. total of 4 g). If you have pre-existing liver disease or damage, it can be hard to process this amount and a smaller dose may be necessary.

The big problem with paracetamol is that it can be toxic to the liver in relatively small quantities (depending on your individual body chemistry), which is why people can end up overdosing themselves unintentionally. It also doesn't cause rapid symptoms of toxicity, so people can take an overdose and then not become ill until a few days later, when the damage is already done, unfortunately. However, there is an antidote for overdoses!