View Full Version : Twitching relief

03-02-11, 18:56
I have battled HA for many years and I have been twitching for all of them. Lately (last month or so) I have been twitching much more frequently and with "larger" twitches than usual. My entire left quad muscle is twitching 10 times a minute. This is fueling my anxiety and freaking me out. I have been fearing nuero diseases for years. I am not on meds and can't afford a doctor so I am looking for some reassurance and perhaps a way to curb this things. I have not been overly anxious lately until this started and now I am getting worked up again. Thanks and please post.

03-02-11, 18:59
Well I know potassium is said to help with twitching?

03-02-11, 22:05
I was given diazepam to stop twitching a couple of times. It worked for me. Twitches became habitual for some reason. I had an eye twitch last year that was horrendous! Literally counted over 100 twitches in 1 minute!!! My stupid eyelid was closing completely with each twitch, but strangely that one corrected itself within about 4 hours. I never worked out the trigger. I get random twitching episodes in my elbows, face & legs which also mainly correct themselves eventually. I definitely think mine get more frequent when I'm overly anxious.

03-02-11, 22:44
Strangely, after a few days of heavy twitching, my left quad has stopped for now. I still have lots of other twitching but the most worrisome one has stopped. I wish I knew how to control this. Thanks

04-02-11, 09:04
I've read that magnesium supplements can help with twitching, I'm actually going to buy some today myself, my calf has been twitching for about a week on and off.