View Full Version : What causes Ectopics?

03-02-11, 21:00
Hi there i've recently started exercising!!! nothing heavy duty but getting enough to work up a sweat!

I've noticed afterwards that i'm getting a strange feeling in my chest, its now happening at random times (not only when i exercise)! its not much but i know its there and it doesnt happen every day. So I went to the doctors today as she took my pulse listened to my heart and took my BP she said all was fine, and then when on to say what i was experiencing is called 'Ectopics' is this all it is, i'm kinda worried that something might be wrong, I guess she would have said, but apparently all normal. So .... any help guys, would appreciate it.


03-02-11, 21:20
Have you read this page:


03-02-11, 21:29
It is fine, no link between ectopics and any heart conditions - it is due to you starting exercise your body is going into an elevated state (though this time you are controlling it) this is good as soon enough this will give you better control of your cardiovascular system, your resting heart rate will drop and it will be harder to go into a panic attack - keep at it your going in the right direction!!:)

Best wishes

03-02-11, 21:33
Thanks Nicola, that all makes sense : ) I guess alot of it is to do with exercising. The doctor said all was normal. I've suffered palpitations b4 in the past, but generally that has been cuased by anxiety, but i've not experience that for a long time. This is the first time since exercising.

03-02-11, 21:39
It is fine, no link between ectopics and any heart conditions - it is due to you starting exercise your body is going into an elevated state (though this time you are controlling it) this is good as soon enough this will give you better control of your cardiovascular system, your resting heart rate will drop and it will be harder to go into a panic attack - keep at it your going in the right direction!!:)

Best wishes

Thanks I think ur right here, like i said i think the doctor would have said otherwise to me, having checked pulse, heart, and BP. I havent exercised for 2 days now because i was worried i was doing more harm than good.

03-02-11, 21:49
I only did 45 mins exercise on dance central earlier and I've had quite a few ectopics since after quite a bit without any. Is cuz I stopped exercising for a couple of weeks, it's just your body getting back into the swing of things.

One time after I stopped exercising I had ectopics every 3rd/4th beat for about half an hour an I'm still here! Don't let it put you off your exercise, it's one of the best things you can do! :) xx

03-02-11, 21:52
Yes when i started exercising i felt i was inducing panic attacks but it is just your cardiovascular system is sensitive as you keep going it will improve probably quite noticably in a few weeks of regular exercise.

Remember the heart is very sturdy muscle (hardest working muscle in the body) - try some meditation as well (you can just plug your headphones in and listen on youtube) it will help - your taking control back of your body - like i say this is good, don't get put off by any hiccups - you can beat this :)

03-02-11, 22:00
Thank you, thank you, thank you I could give u guys all a big hug :) My doctor told me to carry on exercising, just me worrying! I never knew how common this problem is. It seems like a contradiction that we worry about our health, exercising keeps us fit mentally and physically and then we get something like 'Ectopics' and we are back to square one worrying about our health!! I think though exercising wins in this case :) XXXXXXX

05-02-11, 05:59
Also its true that, In adults, ectopic beats can occur more frequently, and reversible underlying reasons should be investigated even if it appears that no treatment is necessary as a last resort.