View Full Version : trembling

03-02-11, 22:47
hello everyone.
im having a problem while im waking up...... when i awake each morning my whole torso feels like its trembling inside, its subtle but its definately there!! Its been happening for the last few weeks and now its starting to really worry me. :weep:
Also sometimes if one of my kids come into my bedroom in the middle of the night and wake me up suddenly i feel it but its a hellova lot stronger.

It stops once im up and about which should reasure me as its not there 24/7 but it doesnt, im really concerned now :(

any advice?

04-02-11, 09:08
Hi, I get exactly the same thing, I think its just your body waking up, that explains why its stronger if you get woken up, because your body wasnt ready to wake. It is nothing to worry about honest.

04-02-11, 09:15
I had a quick look at your other posts and to try and find out your age because this is a typical symptom of the menapause.
I would ask you doc as they can tell you from a blood test.
In the meantime - have a look at this site;
http://www.power-surge.com/ - its a very good site with lots of info and explains all the wierd symptoms etc.
My anxiety returned with a vengence when i started to go through the menapause at 48.


sarah jayne
04-02-11, 09:48
i get this all the time. Im not sure if ts the medication that im taking. Im on fluoxotine and amitryptiline.

06-02-11, 17:57
thanks for the replies

im 38 judi, when i went to the doctor last year with all my symtoms he took blood from me to check if it was maybe early menopause, the results came back normal

the trembling has eased over the last few days so im hoping that its just like my body waking up like michelle said.

thanks again folks

24-03-11, 17:35
ive still got this awful trembling :( its really bad first thing in the morning, my whole body seem to be trembling on the inside, at one point this morning my husband turned over in bed and i felt the trembling really really bad. :( it does lessen throughout the day but i can feel it almost constantly in the background
i cant understand it, and im at the end of my tether :(
ive been given half inderal la 80mg tabs but i cant take them, the doc says they slow the heart and lower bp too and thats more than enuff to put me off them full stop!
I just dont know what to do about this, i am TERRIFIED that i have the start of parkinsons/alzheimers or something similar :(
anyone else have this????
i need help!

24-03-11, 17:40
ive not had trembles in stomach, but have in other places (been told its anxiety) :)

24-03-11, 17:47
I tremble in the morning first thing and my heart races. Very scared.

24-03-11, 17:56
how long does it last for you daybyday?? mine is a couple of hours very noticeble then it just fades away.
im terrified :(

24-03-11, 18:01
Do you wanto to go to chat to talk?

24-03-11, 18:17
i feel like crying too, but i somehow keep it in as i dont want my kids to see anything, its very hard trying to cope with this. How long have you had anxiety?? Im away to enter my 3rd year of it :(

24-03-11, 18:22
I'm 55 female and since age 5 on and off bad bouts of it. I hold it in too and maybe that makes it worse. I think the worst all the time.
There is always the help room in chat to talk back and forth.

24-03-11, 19:33
thank u for talking to me, gonna head to the chat room x

24-03-11, 20:19
Is it not maybe anxiety ? I feel on edge in a morning and it wares off after a few hours .

24-03-11, 23:13
Sorry daybyday I lost my Internet signal.

Hope we feel better soon xx
Thanks for the chat hope to talk again

24-03-11, 23:28
I wake up trembling every morning since I've been on Sertraline ( 7 weeks now). I just assumed it was the Sertraline. I'm ok once I'm up and had my meds but it's a horrible way to wake up every day!

Interesting post about the menopause, I'm 42 and my anxiety has rocketed in the past 18 months causing two hospital admissions. I managed to stay out of hospital for 14 years before this. Am convinced it's hormonal.

25-03-11, 02:57
Please don't worry about the trembling. It's just anxiety xxx