View Full Version : Random memories popping in my head

04-02-11, 01:26

I wondered if anyone has this problem.... I don't know how to explain. I get random memories popping into my head almost all the time, but when I am busy, they don't bother me or when I am happy or confident. I always had this problem from when I was little. Maybe I was born with this? My mum thinks I am weird.

I get memories from the past, and it plays in my mind over and over like a recorder - and I can stop it sometimes and I can't stop them sometimes. Last night I had these memories again, and I was finishing my monthlies, and I was emotional, I cried for a bit. I get memories popping in of good memories and it can go with intense emotions as well, when I am on.

Triggers can set it off, like TV programmes or something someone said. Most of the memories contain my mum mostly... sometimes with my friends. These memories are not bad, they are stupid little things that happened, like a conversation that I had with my mum few years ago about a TV programme.

Someone commented years ago that it was like if I was dying and talking about memories. It does feel like that but I know I am not dying. I hope you all know what I am talking about?

I don't understand why I am like this and why are these memories popping in my head? I'm getting a bit upset writing this and memories are flooding in.... that why I don't look at photos and they can make me cry and get depressed. Anyone has the same things as me? How can you stop these memories popping in the mind? I would be so happy if some people know what I am going through. Thank you!

Starry xx

04-02-11, 13:16
I get this, alot. It bothers me sometimes, sometimes it doesn't.
You're not weird, it's normal. I think some people who are more on edge with emotions, whatever they be are probably effected more.

Try not to worry about it. If it's really bothering you go and see your doc.

05-02-11, 00:56

Thank you for your answer - I am glad to hear that I'm not the only one with this problem. I had this all of my life and I don't want to go to see the doctor as they would prescibe me medication or counselling. I am at my worst when I am on periods along with panic attacks as well. I am having panic attacks today because of memories but I know i will be fine.

How do you stop these memories coming in your head? I would be grateful if you could tell me - did you go to your doctor and what happened? I think it's the hormones that causes it. Mum says that she can't do anything about it as she can't help me as she doesn't understand me.

Starry xx

05-02-11, 22:36

Thought twice about replying to this as i,ve not experienced it .

My mum now in her seventies (touch wood has been ok for years ) had two bouts of anxiety and depression also with ocd , the ocd was checking the oven was off 5 or 6 times , doors locked , lights out etc...

One thing i remember her saying was random thoughts comeing into her head from things that happened years ago , and i should have said this / did i do the right thing etc...

She did end up on meds and made a full recovery , the first time took 6 months , the second three months as it was spotted early by my dad and went the docs quicker for the meds .

Don,t know if this relates or if any help but wanted to reply .

She had a relapse not long ago but needed no meds and sorted herself out

05-02-11, 23:09
Hi Starry,

Personally I think this is completely normal? perhaps the way you spoke about it freaked your friend due to their own personal issues?

We all have short term and long term memories; short term is what you are concentrating on at that moment; which is why you aren't thinking of memories past at that time as your mind is fully occupied elsewhere.

When you have something that triggers a memory, you think about it, replay it in your mind, your advantage is they are good memories :D

Photo's mmmn thats the whole point of them? I know when my granma died reading the sympathy cards I recieved reminded me of happier times and I was soo grateful for that at the time.

I really wouldn't worry about getting emotional at that time of month as we all do :), it isn't called the woman's curse for nothing:mad:


06-02-11, 00:57
It's abit difficult to explain - it's like random memories appearing in your mind out of nowhere. It can be scary sometimes, and it can set off anxiety or panic attacks. I do have good memories but I don't want them to come back into my mind - it's like I'm in the memory and seeing how young I was and I'm older now. And childhood memories will appear too - I believe there has been other threads about this too.

I don't think this is normal for everybody - everybody just accepts the memories, they comment on it and forget the past but I don't, it always is there in my mind. It's a bit annoying.

Starry xx

06-02-11, 19:32
Hi Starry,

Perhaps it's about your preconception of what is normal? You say "everybody just accepts the memories, they comment on it and forget the past" In the many conversations I have had with people, they don't do that; a lot of people dwell on times past times and many have long term behavioural patterns because of past events but people never forget their pasts it is part of what forges us into who we are.

Perhaps a course of CBT to give you coping stragegies for moving forward from these thoughts would be beneficial for you?

I wish you well with this and you find a path that enables you to move forward with this :)


07-02-11, 00:23
My mum always says to me that she is not bothered by her memories and most of my family doesn't talk about their memories. It feels like my brain is full of the past! I haven't spoken to my doctor about this or getting CBT, but I am a bit nervous to do anything about my problems. I think it's because I'm getting older and the future seems very scary for me.

Thank you to all the answers and support!

It's a long story really.... sighs.

SDF xx

07-02-11, 18:30
Hi Starry,

It usually is a long story :) that is generally the norm :)

Everyone is bothered by memories to different extents, not talking about them is a different thing from being bothered by them and is generally unhealthy as it bottles things up.

As for CBT you can do online courses It is just about training your brain to react differently to certain situations, recognising behavioural patterns and changing them.
Not that scary really, you will set your own goals and work at your own pace:)

Take care and remember each day is a bright new day no matter your age :D


09-02-11, 13:08
Thanks for your support Lynnann, I think I'm OK for now - until the next time!!! I appericate all of the comments - they have been helping me.

Starry xx

12-03-11, 02:38
Hi Starry,

Same thing has been happening to me recently, thats why I googled it and came across yr question. For me, the memories are of good old times about 20 years ago!! They start off happy then inside I feel sad that its gone and I begin to miss it, and long to be there again and wished I could have relived it differently as some memories I remember then become what I missed out on, which turns my sadness into mild panic cos of wanting to change past but can't! The only thing I can put it down to is feelings of regret which makes me feel even more sad and powerless. I guess reason I must be looking back in my past is because I'm not happy in my life now or I need closure for that time in my life, which centres around one person in particular who made me feel wanted. So I guess my issue is at the moment I don't feel wanted. Getting closure may not be possible in real life with that person but I think I could talk to a friend who could act that person out, and in a way counsel myself away from them. I am a Christian as well, so I believe that our thoughts can be tormented purposely to rob us of today and joy, and I also believe that we can develop soul ties with people we have emotional connection with, and if no longer good connection then it can and should be severed by the powerful cross of Jesus. I'm going to pray about my memories as memories are only good if they are not so persistent and troublesome. Hope my situation might help u to find what u need to do to get free from this torment... Jesus heals every area of our life, even our past. Don't go into any past life regression stuff as that is a complete lie, and any relief will only bring more bondage elsewhere.

12-03-11, 03:48
P.S. in reference to my last comment about 'good old days'... even though we think they were good old days, the truth is actually, good old days don't truly exist! We often see our past through rose tinted glasses, but they were no different to today. We think our past is better than our present because we choose to remember what we think was a happy time but in fact it was mixed with hard times just like our today are. So best to come to terms that our past isn't as great as what we recall. There is a good saying that when u are finding it hard to get over a relationship that u should try to see them again and yr'll probably wonder why u cried so much over them as u are more than likely to remember them more good looking than they really are! ;-) past memories can have a funny way of deceiving us! ;-)

12-03-11, 04:03
Check out this link... hope it might help give some understanding to our emotions and memories.... http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Autobiographical_memory

12-03-11, 04:12
Reply overload!!!! Hehe! I just found this scripture in the bible....

This sums up how we can stop getting depressed from our supposed past good memories....

Ecclesiastes 7:10 NIV

Do not say, "Why were the old days better than these?"
For it is not wise to ask such questions.

I'm gonna try and go to sleep now! ;-)

12-03-11, 04:20

God doesn't want us to live in past and live in regret cos he causes all things to work for good to those who love him and are called to his purpose. Romans 8:28

And he also says 'For I know the plans I have for you, plans to prosper u and not to harm, plans to give u a future and hope. Jeremiah 29:11

God always restores better than it was before... the good days are for now and each day on!

13-03-11, 01:14
Hey Christine, thank you for feeding back - some of your comments were really useful. I still have memories popping in my mind, I always had this all of my life. I do have happy times, but you are right, we choose to remember the good times, but the past also have bad times too. My best memories is of the Millennium time.... but it has gone for good and things are more harder now, because of the economic crisis and also recent natural disasters. I think you're right, I remember having bad times and good times in the past, I refuse to think of bad times... the good memories keep popping in my mind and I miss them so much. I think it's because I'm becoming more older.

Also thanks for sharing your religious views but am afraid that I am an atheist. My mum brought us up to be atheist, also I am sure the members here has their own beliefs too, so they might find your comments about God useful.

Take care, and thank you for commenting on my thread.

Starry xx

13-03-11, 01:25
Oh 'mental time travel' is so adept for this thread - describes my memories perfectly... makes sense - it's like jumping to different times in my mind, without using a time machine. Useful link - thank you!

Starry xx

27-11-13, 06:35
Hi Starry,

I have gotten this recently. But I think its because Im getting more Spirituality awareness... It's so bizzare! I don't quite understand it at all. Look at the certain people around you; is it a workmate? Is it two friends that trigger it off? I believe it's their energy fields that might be messing with us a bit and our usual brain waves :-p There is two guys in my class that seem to trigger off memories (especially the one guy) that have been way long forgotten!!!....I have forgotten my childhood from the age of 5 and under...my best friend had to recall my memories..she remembers things I did better than me haha....I remembered such an old memory with the two of them sitting there. It may be paranoia, but I believe they are somehow triggering my memory. Sometimes, I get random thoughts that I do not think are my own...perhaps we are viewing other people's memories/thoughts and we're not allowed to impose so maybe they collaborate into one strange-ass image!. I remembered something today that was slightly disturbing that I hoped and prayed it wasn't my memory...and guess what? One of the guys that triggered that whilst sitting there next to me.
It's true! They really do just pop up at the most random, normal, busy times! Well have you heard that every four seconds a new thought comes into mind? It's also called Intrusive Thoughts what your thinking of. Wise Geek did an article, but it's all BULLSHIT. When I smoke weed, its so much worse...!! Especially the memories, I don't even know if their true though which makes it worse!! Do you ever get memories that you aren't too sure if their true?. So don't smoke it!!!

Has the middle of your forehead been buzzing lately? Then it's all the energy going to your third eye and maybe your experiencing something of it...because I have learnt to focus all my energy to the middle of my forhead, and when I do the random thoughts/memories pop into my head. But enough of my crazy spirituality - its far out..!!

It's pretty annoying, though...but I think these random images may be you intruding on other peoples thoughts, maybe? That's my theory if it...but sometimes I think it could be the person sitting next to you...maybe they know or maybe they dont :p haha...

I sometimes get angry and frustrated with myself because I do not have answers or anyone to reassure me that I am not crazy or going insane...

Good luck xx

01-12-13, 19:16
Hi there, anxiety make us more sensitised to everything, a non anxious mind will still get memories popping in at random times but it just ignores them. An anxious mind might starts to try and attach meaning to them and pay more attention to them, also anxious people want to be in control of their thoughts as we are sick of it racing along at 100 mph so intrusive thoughts and random memories will disturb and scare us. Just try and a knowledge the memory and say to yourself it is your anxiety that is making it seem a big deal when really it isn't.