View Full Version : still sore and swollen 3 days after having tooth extraction

sarah jayne
04-02-11, 07:38
I had a back tooth out on tuesday morning, not a wisdom one. The dentist found it difficult to remove, it took her 50 mins because it snapped in half and then she couldnt get a grip of the other half, she wiggled it lots but it still wouldnt come out, in the end she left and got someone else for a second opinion and they used something else and managed to get it out. On the day i felt fine, i couldnt eat and i felt a bit traumotised but pain wise i was ok. That evening when the numbness wore off i was in agony and have been since. All my gums are swollen, every tooth in my mouth feels sore, i cant eat, can hardly talk and have found it really hard to sleep throughout this pain. Ive had teeth out before and never experienced this, i honestly feel like ive been smacked in the face, its terrible, i cannot put my bottom and top teeth together because its so painful, all i can eat is jelly. Has any1 else experienced this ? Im on antibiotics incase of infection. I am so scared :ohmy:

04-02-11, 09:07
That sounds absolutely horrendous!! Think I'd find another dentist for the future if I was you. Not surprised you're feeling so rough...... I would think it's going to take a few more days to feel a bit better. I'd suggest contacting the dentist or your gp and getting some really strong painkillers that'll get you through the next few days. On the plus side..... you'll certainly lose a bit of weight..... assuming you want to that is!


sarah jayne
04-02-11, 09:45
it was the emergency dentist i went to, its really hard to get a dentist where i live. Im already on strong painkillers but they arent helping, im used to being in pain as i have fibromyalgia and 3 slipped discs in my neck they are nothing compared to this, this pain is unbelievable :( I suppose i wouldnt mind losing abit of weight ;)

04-02-11, 09:51
Hi sarah jayne. Ive had a few teeth out over the years. It can take a while to calm down because of the bruising. If it helps I took a week off uni when I had my wisdom teeth out.
I do remember though that I was able to eat more than jelly after a few days. It might be worthwhile going to your GP and asking him to have a look and see if its healing well.
In all liklihood though its the fact she had to dig around to get it out thats causing you the problems.
Hope you feel better soon x

04-02-11, 11:32
This reminds me of when I had a molar out about 30 years ago.
The dentist was not the most gentle of people and he saved money by not doing any X rays first. Consequently he didn't know that the roots splayed out and that a normal extraction wasn't possible. After pulling me backward and forwards he had to break it and then remove it separately, it took about 30 minutes and he then told me off for taking up his time! What a B****** he was.

Needless to say I was in agony afterwards and it must of taken about a week before I could eat solids. It is quite natural for you to be in discomfort considering the trauma you have endured and you teeth and mouth will no doubt be sensative for some time.
I used regular salt mouthwash also as a cleaner.

Happy days!

sarah jayne
04-02-11, 12:28
thanks for your replies i just cant stop worrying though, i never thought it could be this bad :( I just dont understand how having 1 tooth out can cause pain all over my mouth, even at the opposite side, it feels as if ALL my teeth are sore and bruised and the swelling has now spread to the top gum. I think all dentists are evil !!!! x

04-02-11, 13:39
thanks for your replies i just cant stop worrying though, i never thought it could be this bad :( I just dont understand how having 1 tooth out can cause pain all over my mouth, even at the opposite side, it feels as if ALL my teeth are sore and bruised and the swelling has now spread to the top gum. I think all dentists are evil !!!! x
They call it "referred pain" ........ basically, the all the pain sensors in the vicinity of the tooth start sending off signals even though they haven't been directly effected. Can happen in all parts of the body, not just the mouth so a twisted ankle might start giving you pains in the foot etc.

sarah jayne
04-02-11, 15:53
Thanks geoff. I ended up going back to the dentist because i couldnt handle the pain. i saw a different dentist this time, he was really nice, he had a look and packed it with something that tastes horrid but its already numbed the pain abit. He said im just unlucky, it normally happens to people who smoke and women who take the pill i should of known it would happen to me lol i must be the most unluckiest person ever :( I think he said it was called dry socket.

sarah jayne
05-02-11, 19:16
well i feel even worse now because my mouth is full of ulcers, they are on my gums and tongue :(

05-02-11, 21:16
if you still have a lot of pain I would ask for an x-ray just to make sure it's healing ok.

05-03-12, 17:41
you poor poor thing - I have had dry socket twice and it has given me a phobia of dentists. I now pay for a private one which i can't afford but he is nice to me. I managed to stop smoking after the first dry socket as it scared me so much but still got it again.. Only thing i would say is that i am not longer in pain and you will get better.

05-03-12, 19:22
Ah, I see you've already found out that you have dry socket, I was going to post to say that this could be what you were suffering from. I've never had it, but have heard (on a dental forum I visit) that it is like no other pain on earth, if you think you have had bad toothache...then supposedly this is a step beyond anything you can imagine. I guess you know that already though :roflmao: It means that the socket where the tooth was removed had no blood clot protecting it and your bone and all the nerves there were exposed.