View Full Version : Woke up with this bad breathing

anx mum
04-02-11, 09:54
Woke up this morning in a right state again feel like i cant breath:weep: like im not getting enough air. Can someone please help me surly if i wasent getting enough air i wouldnt be able to talk etc im really confused. My sats r normal aswell woulnt they be low?

04-02-11, 10:03
I had that for 2/3 weeks solid when my anxiety was really bad, it's cuz of hyperventilating without knowing it, also if you're very very focused on your breathing you do start to breathe faster which makes you feel like you can't breathe but it's because you have more than enough oxygen and your body's trying to slow you down forceablly. When it happens try and slow yourself down rather than letting your body try to do it for you, it's a lot less scary and always remember to tell yourself you CAN breathe! :)

I read on here on the symptoms list that an adult at rest only needs about 8 breathes a minute where as when I count myself I'm taking about 20 without even realising! That leads to nasty symptoms and feeling like you can't breath.

Idk if you've already read it but if not it might put your mind at rest to take a look at it, maybe you can relate? There's information on hyperventilating on the website if you scroll down a bit it's the first one on the list, hope this helped a little bit and hope you start to feel better soon. xx


04-02-11, 10:36
I've posted to your thread in symptoms.
This will not get any better until you start beleiving what it is - and that stress/anxiety/panic.
The more you understand about how it effects the whole body the better and thats why I keep urging you to buy the book which explains everything and gives you ways to combat it.
The more you panic about it - the worse it will get I'm afraid.
I know its not easier, but only you can do it.

04-02-11, 14:06
It won't improve until you realise it is just anxiety. Focusing on your breathing so much causes this, it's nothing but anxiety and incorrectly breathing. Get that book on chronic hyperventilation. Chest pains cause come with it too bevause your muscles are tense.

But you need to trust the fact it is just anxiety, and not seek reassurance even though it's so hard, but it well help. Also exercise is such a big help. Go for a walk when your breathings the worst. I've had this really bad for a month, and it's scary. But it's down to you to believe it's nothing.

anx mum
04-02-11, 14:12
It won't improve until you realise it is just anxiety. Focusing on your breathing so much causes this, it's nothing but anxiety and incorrectly breathing. Get that book on chronic hyperventilation. Chest pains cause come with it too bevause your muscles are tense.

But you need to trust the fact it is just anxiety, and not seek reassurance even though it's so hard, but it well help. Also exercise is such a big help. Go for a walk when your breathings the worst. I've had this really bad for a month, and it's scary. But it's down to you to believe it's nothing.

What did it feel like was it like you never had enough air?

04-02-11, 14:26
Bev, you have got the perfect right to post as many times as you want but lets be honest..is it doing you any good whatsoever?

It's the same things over and over and we have been here before, both with the blood clot scares and the breathing scare. You wouldn't believe there wasn't a physical cause for it then and I don't think you believe it now.

I'm not saying that was is happening isn't real because I know it is. But you have had good advice which you just brush off in favour of reassuring yourself that others have had the same thing.

But it doesn't reassure you does it otherwise you wouldn't keep posting the same thing?

I try and avoid answering posts like this because there is always someone that likes to jump down the throat but sometimes we need to hear the truth.

Lots of those with HA have answered you and told you that it's anxiety and that you need to try and start looking at it from a different angle, I'm saying the same thing.

There is no clot, there is nothing wrong with your breathing because you wouldn't be able to function properly. You have had lots of good advice so how about taking some of it on board?

No amount of talking about how awful it is will make it feel any better, you yourself have to try and take small steps to deal with it.

Good luck :flowers:

anx mum
04-02-11, 14:37
Bev, you have got the perfect right to post as many times as you want but lets be honest..is it doing you any good whatsoever?

It's the same things over and over and we have been here before, both with the blood clot scares and the breathing scare. You wouldn't believe there wasn't a physical cause for it then and I don't think you believe it now.

I'm not saying that was is happening isn't real because I know it is. But you have had good advice which you just brush off in favour of reassuring yourself that others have had the same thing.

But it doesn't reassure you does it otherwise you wouldn't keep posting the same thing?

I try and avoid answering posts like this because there is always someone that likes to jump down the throat but sometimes we need to hear the truth.

Lots of those with HA have answered you and told you that it's anxiety and that you need to try and start looking at it from a different angle, I'm saying the same thing.

There is no clot, there is nothing wrong with your breathing because you wouldn't be able to function properly. You have had lots of good advice so how about taking some of it on board?

No amount of talking about how awful it is will make it feel any better, you yourself have to try and take small steps to deal with it.

Good luck :flowers:

I am not brushng people advice off just geninue very scared by all this i am grateful for any advice. I know i have posted alot and im sorry for that just im truly scared by this.

04-02-11, 14:49
Ladybird, I agree with you. I know how tempting it is to seek reassurance all the time, but in the health anxiety book I'm reading, it's based on CBT therapy, the first and foremost thing they advise you about is that "your solutions are your problems". By this it means that the things HA sufferers do that they believe are making themselves feel better are actually the things that are causing the problem. For example, a thought comes into your head that is 'my chest is sore' and an immediate reaction would be to: think it's something life threatening, seek reassurance, get the reassurance from this forum or other people, and therefore get some short term relief. I still do this, but when I started to learn the patterns more and that they weren't helping I have been trying to stop more, and in turn my HA has improved. What the book teaches us to do is simply accept the pain, think of a rational reason that it's there, let the thought and worry pass by and then focus on some factors of the outside world, such as sounds, sights and smells. Because only ourselves can eventually 'comvince' ourselves its nothing to worry about. And assurance seeking is detrimental to improving. And I don't mean posting a post about something initially to do with HA, e.g about muscle pain. But when we hear the advice we must accept it, because we might not have known it was caused by HA and being tense; so this is helpful. But posting the same symptoms and pains (like I did about my leg) and seeking the advice and reassurance again and again, I do believe this creates a bad cycle. And I'm only saying this because I was using this forum for the same thing and I created a bad loop for myself.

It's so so difficult, and I so know how hard it is. But you must believe all the tests, advice you've been given. Because your breathing is honestly anxiety. Youve done ALL you can to see DR's about it and tests, you haven't been avoiding your health. Youve made sure your ok. And you don't want to waste your life with worry. If you focus on one day at a time lessoning the checking, or reassuring seeking, you will see an improvement. And exercise helps so much. It's a hard struggle and I'm sorry if this reply sounded harsh I just so so so know where your coming from.

And my breathing felt 100% the same as your describing. If it was anything to worry about you'd know.

Take everyones advice Bev, you'll be fine :)

04-02-11, 14:53
Also, I've got a good description of how I feel about my breathing, it came from the symptoms section if this site, please don't be scared, you'll be ok.

"What you feel:

You feel that your breathing is forced and laboured. You become conscious of how you are breathing and you have a hard time catching your breath. It seems like you have to force yourself to breathe, in fear that if you don't, you'll stop breathing and die. Or, for no apparent reason, you feel out of breath and find yourself doing an unusual amount of yawning in an attempt to catch your breath.
What causes this:

When stress biology changes the body, it quickens the breathing and respiration so that the individual is ready for immediate action. Unfortunately, this also means that the breathing becomes shallow in nature (unless we are physically exerting the body such as running, fighting, swimming, etc.) which results in the body not getting enough oxygen. That's why we feel out of breath. This is a natural occurring biological outcome resulting from stress biology.
Sometimes this symptom will be persistent from day to day, and other times it may appear for awhile, then disappear. Both are common. Once the nervous system calms down, you breathing will return to normal.
Also, because breathing is an automatic bodily function, you'll never have to worry about not breathing. Your body does it automatically. It may be shallow, but you'll always get enough oxygen.
Regular exercise helps to maintain regular breathing patterns.
As with all symptoms, when the nervous system gets sufficient rest, this symptom will diminish and eventually subside."

And about the chest pains:
"The chest pains you experience are due to the constricting of the chest wall muscles and the muscles between your ribs and not due to*any actual*muscles in your heart*and the best cure is to start stretching these muscles gently to relieve the pain. Although you may not feel like doing any exercise whilst getting these pains, try stretching your arms above and behind your head, out to the sides and bending over gently to relieve the pain."

04-02-11, 14:56
Ladybird, I agree with you. I know how tempting it is to seek reassurance all the time, but in the health anxiety book I'm reading, it's based on CBT therapy, the first and foremost thing they advise you about is that "your solutions are your problems". By this it means that the things HA sufferers do that they believe are making themselves feel better are actually the things that are causing the problem. For example, a thought comes into your head that is 'my chest is sore' and an immediate reaction would be to: think it's something life threatening, seek reassurance, get the reassurance from this forum or other people, and therefore get some short term relief. I still do this, but when I started to learn the patterns more and that they weren't helping I have been trying to stop more, and in turn my HA has improved. What the book teaches us to do is simply accept the pain, think of a rational reason that it's there, let the thought and worry pass by and then focus on some factors of the outside world, such as sounds, sights and smells. Because only ourselves can eventually 'comvince' ourselves its nothing to worry about. And assurance seeking is detrimental to improving. And I don't mean posting a post about something initially to do with HA, e.g about muscle pain. But when we hear the advice we must accept it, because we might not have known it was caused by HA and being tense; so this is helpful. But posting the same symptoms and pains (like I did about my leg) and seeking the advice and reassurance again and again, I do believe this creates a bad cycle. And I'm only saying this because I was using this forum for the same thing and I created a bad loop for myself.

It's so so difficult, and I so know how hard it is. But you must believe all the tests, advice you've been given. Because your breathing is honestly anxiety. Youve done ALL you can to see DR's about it and tests, you haven't been avoiding your health. Youve made sure your ok. And you don't want to waste your life with worry. If you focus on one day at a time lessoning the checking, or reassuring seeking, you will see an improvement. And exercise helps so much. It's a hard struggle and I'm sorry if this reply sounded harsh I just so so so know where your coming from.

And my breathing felt 100% the same as your describing. If it was anything to worry about you'd know.

Take everyones advice Bev, you'll be fine :)you just said yourself you did the same as bev with your leg ,as you know sometimes no matter how many people say u your ok, its hard to believe ,books yes there good but not everyone wants to read do they. we just need support with our bad days thats why people come on here. i must have asked a 1000 ???? everyday i was hear when i was bad ,but with the help of friends on this site i began to believe in myself again it helped ,also some have noone to turn to

04-02-11, 15:03
I wasn't saying that, I was giving advice to use along with this site. Don't have a go at me for helping.

anx mum
04-02-11, 15:08
I wasn't saying that, I was giving advice to use along with this site. Don't have a go at me for helping.

thanks for your advice hun but i remember u being the same not so long ago with your leg u were scared like me and just wanted some reassurance thats what this forum is for

04-02-11, 15:15
I know, I said about my leg in my post, but I did find getting the same advice again and again, for me personally, didnt help in the long run, as I only felt a bit better when I believed myself.

I wasn't saying people don't need support by any means. Support is so important! Always. I just feel really sad that the other poster thought that's what I was saying when I was only giving advice from the CBT info.

04-02-11, 15:17
hello :) For what it's worth I honestly think that what ladybird and electicalice have said is really helpful and useful advice. The thing is ( and I have been there soooooo many times) is that with HA we constantly seek reassurance, however sometimes we have to just take small steps to help ourselves and to distract ourselves, otherwise it tends to consume our every waking minute. I totally know where your coming from having had the breathing issue a lot, and indeed still do from time to time, but the key here is to occupy ourselves with something else, even if its a ten minuite walk, watch a movie, anything to break the cycle. It's only then that you will have moments where you start to realise that the symptons are starting to improve. My family have been pretty harsh with me at times (of course they mean well) but sometimes I'm glad they are because sometimes it's enough for me to kick my own butt to change my thought process for a bit. Take care:)

04-02-11, 15:22
Looks like this is going the same way as usual, misinterpreted.

Maggie and Bev..it's up to you what you use the forum for. If it makes you feel better asking then go for it.

But before you get defensive(and I knew that someone would!) ask yourself if all these reassurances are helping you at all. If they are would you keep posting the same thing?

Whether or not you want to hear it, bottom line is that once all medical possibilities have been ruled out then you have got to start working on the anxiety that's causing it.

The forum is for anyone that feels the need to use it for whatever reason. It is not the exclusive property of people who just want reassurance although that is a valuable part of it, it is also to support people to try and move forward.

If you can say hand on heart that all reassuring posts that you have got has helped you then that is fair enough and I am happy for you.

God luck with whatever way you choose to manage your fears Bev and I mean that in all honestly. x

anx mum
04-02-11, 15:33
Looks like this is going the same way as usual, misinterpreted.

Maggie and Bev..it's up to you what you use the forum for. If it makes you feel better asking then go for it.

But before you get defensive(and I knew that someone would!) ask yourself if all these reassurances are helping you at all. If they are would you keep posting the same thing?

Whether or not you want to hear it, bottom line is that once all medical possibilities have been ruled out then you have got to start working on the anxiety that's causing it.

The forum is for anyone that feels the need to use it for whatever reason. It is not the exclusive property of people who just want reassurance although that is a valuable part of it, it is also to support people to try and move forward.

If you can say hand on heart that all reassuring posts that you have got has helped you then that is fair enough and I am happy for you.

God luck with whatever way you choose to manage your fears Bev and I mean that in all honestly. x

I use the forum for what it for anxiety and panic didnt know there was a limit to how many posts you put on? Everytime i put a post on there is a genuine reason dont do it for the fun of it. I do listen to peoples advice and im gratful for the support i get. We aint all got books or do cbt so this forum im grateful for.

04-02-11, 15:43
You're twisting my words Bev..at no point did I say anything about how many times you post and you know I didn't.

I will repeat again..do what you want. It's totally up to you if you do CBT or whatever but it's a choice you have, same as you have the choice to maybe try something else as well as posting here. You choose not to try books or CBT..fair enough.

You don't want to try anything else? Up to you. You ask for help. What help is it you need, what can people do for you, what can they say that hasn't been said already loads of times over?

I also use the forum for anxiety and panic. I'm also grateful for it as it has helped me loads.

I'll bow out and wish you every success.

04-02-11, 15:43
i only passed a comment trying to help ,as bev is crying out for help ,if what we say can give you help good i love this site it saved me and many more x

anx mum
04-02-11, 15:48
i only passed a comment trying to help ,as bev is crying out for help ,if what we say can give you help good i love this site it saved me and many more x

Thanks maggie for your support:hugs:

04-02-11, 15:52
its ok hun xx

04-02-11, 16:48
I think Ladybird is right, Reassurance is basically being agreed with, however if one truly believes something else its not helping.

This site is for panic and HA and hopefully the experiences of others should be a comfort and help overcome irrational thoughts. But if it doesnt do that then one should seek alternative help.
I didnt view Ladybirds post as negative, just honest and after all everyone has the right to an opinion.

04-02-11, 17:49
I also beleive what gypsywoman said
I thought this site was to help and reassure us some of us need more reasurrance than others
But in Bevs case I think she is generally worried and wants reassuring
I am here for you Bev.


anx mum
04-02-11, 17:54
I also beleive what gypsywoman said
I thought this site was to help and reassure us some of us need more reasurrance than others
But in Bevs case I think she is generally worried and wants reassuring
I am here for you Bev.


Thanks joan how r u today? Not had a good one

04-02-11, 18:00
I think Ladybird is right, Reassurance is basically being agreed with, however if one truly believes something else its not helping.

This site is for panic and HA and hopefully the experiences of others should be a comfort and help overcome irrational thoughts. But if it doesnt do that then one should seek alternative help.
I didnt view Ladybirds post as negative, just honest and after all everyone has the right to an opinion.

I have to agree - if I'm going to be completely honest my CBT therapist told me that coming on here purely to discuss xyz symptom in the hope of some reassurance will not help me at all, and he advises against it - not against the forum - as it is fantastic and very supportive in lots of aspects but against the idea of just simply writing down what you are worried about in the hope someone will tell you not to worry .. Reassurance is what health anxiety thrives on. Hope this is taken as it was intended and not in a nasty way - I have been there before with the worrying, the constant checking, the constant seeking advice and I'm still struggling to pull myself out of it. Bev what might help you is getting out and facing your fears - go for a walk with the kids, nip down to the shop, stick a funny film on - anything that makes you happy and proves to you that your breathlessness is not a thing to panic about. Hope you feel better soon - have you ever tried therapy or example CBT?


anx mum
04-02-11, 18:06
I have to agree - if I'm going to be completely honest my CBT therapist told me that coming on here purely to discuss xyz symptom in the hope of some reassurance will not help me at all, and he advises against it - not against the forum - as it is fantastic and very supportive in lots of aspects but against the idea of just simply writing down what you are worried about in the hope someone will tell you not to worry .. Reassurance is what health anxiety thrives on. Hope this is taken as it was intended and not in a nasty way - I have been there before with the worrying, the constant checking, the constant seeking advice and I'm still struggling to pull myself out of it. Bev what might help you is getting out and facing your fears - go for a walk with the kids, nip down to the shop, stick a funny film on - anything that makes you happy and proves to you that your breathlessness is not a thing to panic about. Hope you feel better soon - have you ever tried therapy or example CBT?


No the only thng i havent tried is cbt. I am trying little steps like go to my local shop dont wanna b or feel like this.

04-02-11, 18:13
Maybe see if your GP could help you arrange it (and if he/she refuses, try another GP?)... Sounds good - find something you need to buy even if just a bar of chocolate to cheer yourself up; and make it your goal to go out and get it :yesyes: .. No I'm not surprised; it can't be nice at all and you must be exhausted! .. I remember about two years ago when I first posted on here worrying about chest pain and breathlessness - you sent me a PM reassuring me that I was all good and nothing to worry about - so I know that in there part of you does know this is just anxiety; it's just that you need to get rid of the panicy feelings so that you can see this too - if you see what I mean.

You even said yourself that you'd been feeling a lot better not so long ago :D so you can do it :yesyes:

But I really do reccomend you look into CBT or some kind of therapy.. Even google health anxiety self help workbooks and a few downloadable ones come up (similar to what GPs/counsellors will give you).

You are absolutely fine - we can see that - you just need to learn how to see that in yourself.

PM any time

anx mum
04-02-11, 18:18
Maybe see if your GP could help you arrange it (and if he/she refuses, try another GP?)... Sounds good - find something you need to buy even if just a bar of chocolate to cheer yourself up; and make it your goal to go out and get it :yesyes: .. No I'm not surprised; it can't be nice at all and you must be exhausted! .. I remember about two years ago when I first posted on here worrying about chest pain and breathlessness - you sent me a PM reassuring me that I was all good and nothing to worry about - so I know that in there part of you does know this is just anxiety; it's just that you need to get rid of the panicy feelings so that you can see this too - if you see what I mean.

You even said yourself that you'd been feeling a lot better not so long ago :D so you can do it :yesyes:

But I really do reccomend you look into CBT or some kind of therapy.. Even google health anxiety self help workbooks and a few downloadable ones come up (similar to what GPs/counsellors will give you).

You are absolutely fine - we can see that - you just need to learn how to see that in yourself.

PM any time

Thank u just wanna be well for my hubby and 3 kids. I will look and see if some cbt downloads r on here gotta b worth a go

04-02-11, 18:57
CBT is effective , but you have to start with the preface the fears ARE irrational and work to overcome the irrationality.
If deep down you cant accept that the fears are irrational but real symptoms of a real illness the CBT wont help.
The realisation that one has to take resposibility for not changing the way we react can be hard, however if we do the benefits are great.
Your councillor will not reassure you but give you guidance on how to change the way you respond to fear.

HA is a bit of a bad habit, like smoking and at the root you must really want to change

04-02-11, 20:16
Woke up this morning in a right state again feel like i cant breath:weep: like im not getting enough air. Can someone please help me surly if i wasent getting enough air i wouldnt be able to talk etc im really confused. My sats r normal aswell woulnt they be low?

Hello hun. Ok think back to over a year ago remember how bad we both were with health anxiety me with my chest pains and you with your calf pain (heart pain and blood clot in your leg) we thought. Look at us over a year later both here and both fine. We both know we suffer from health anxiety we have both had enough tests to rule anything serious out. I truly truly understand how hard it is to believe we are ok when HA gets a grip of us and you have every right to post as many times as you like on this forum to get all the reassurance you need trust me I've done it enough times. I understand where people are comin from about reassurance because it doesn't always help and it feeds your anxiety I've been there but if that's what you need to do right now to help you through this recent bout of HA then go for it post away:) I also agree that you should see your gp about CBT it doesn't work for everyone but its been great for me and I really hope you can get a referal and it helps you as much as it as me. I'm also here when ever you need me. Take care of yourself and your beautiful children:) we both know deep down your going to be ok and HA has just got a grip of you again but you will overcome it like you have before xxxxx