View Full Version : massive panic attack - advice please

04-02-11, 12:17
hi i was at work this morning worrying and mind just going round and round in circles - then i started getting a panic attack but at the same time i felt sort of excited which has made it a lot worst i just cant understand why i flipped between sort of excitement, panic and feel confused with racing thoughts just dont know whats going on with head and my nerves just feel worried im about to go mad or should be in a hospital

04-02-11, 12:22
i hope you have calmed now .if your worried you could ring nhs direct ,,

04-02-11, 12:22
You already know what is wrong with you, so you dont need to go into hosptial. Just try to keep your breathing slow and deep and focus on getting through your day 1 minute at a time. Set goals and try to keep as much attention on your work as possible, even if you are wigging out.
Anxiety and excitment are very closely related. If you think about before you were anxious, when you were super excited about things you would get butterflies in your tummy, your heart would be racing! Its only when we suffer a panic attack that we think "ooh my heart is racing, must be bad!"
And maybe this will set your mind at ease a little. Laughter makes me anxious! I cant have a good laugh because it sets of physical symptoms that are similar to my anxiety.

04-02-11, 12:28
thank you so much for the replies

i feel like i just dont know whats going on in my mind anymore feel up and down ive had little sleep the last few weeks due to being a new father i just dont feel right in myself and feel i cant calm my mind down and worry im losing the plot

04-02-11, 13:15
your not ,its hard when your a new dad ,, women tend to do all the taking care and you will worry babys ok its normal ,,

04-02-11, 13:49
feel at the moment im so wrapped up in worry and anxiety cant enjoy being with my new son and im worried he will pick up on my anxiety

04-02-11, 14:05
no he wont ,,,dont worry try to take time out just chill.. your wife will be finding it hard too you should both sit down and get your feelings out maybe then things will be better or get a sitter and have a nice meal ,,do you both good ,if not go for a nice walk ,

04-02-11, 14:14
i know your right but i have had panic attacks before but never like this one really felt i was losing the plot and going into some sort of manic / mania state when i started to feel excited and couldn't calm myself down,

just wanted to know if anyone else had this sort of experience as before my panic attack have just been things like beating heart and a overwhelming sense of fear and panic never excitement just feel i cant trust my emotions at the moment

04-02-11, 14:30
First off, congratulations on your little boy!!! Secondly, that is probably why your panic attack was different. You have the not sleeping, the worry of being a new parent and the excitement you have of being the new parent. I'm sure the feelings will ease off as things start to settle down. My husband, who doesn't have anxiety/panic issues went through a few days of feeling panicky when he just went to the shops just after I had our son.
Keep breathing & it will all pass. Your son will be fine...enjoy him x

04-02-11, 14:36
thanks - i am starting to feel a bit better guess it is all the lack of sleep and worry over the past few weeks just felt i was losing control over my mind, going mad into some sort of mania state - horrible experience really rocked me normally deal ok with my anxiety but been worrying so much over the past few weeks, like am i normal will i lose the plot what if this happens, when all i want to do is feel normal and enjoy being with my new little boy

04-02-11, 14:50
good for you be happy

04-02-11, 15:24
i just dont feel right just really on edge again like any moment im going to go mad or into some sort of manic stage
my emotions just feel wrong and i cant figure myself out am i feeling fear or excitement

guess i was just feeling keyed up from too much coffee and cigarettes which just made me feel wrong and like i was losing it

04-02-11, 16:25
I can relate to your posts. I think I have replied to you before as well.
My panic attacks that I have had have not been too bad compared to others. I get tingling all over, depersonalisation, rapid heartbeat and palpitations, dry mouth and feeling like I need to keep going to the toilet.
On two occasions though I have had like you describe, a feeling of losing control, manic feelings....like I'd completely lost it and thought I needed to go to the nearest psychiatric unit.
On both occasions though, I can honestly say that I made that happen. My brain, and my thoughts allowed it to happen. I was pacing the floor talking to myself, telling myself I couldn't cope.
Now I'm not in that situation I know that I fuelled it. Me telling myself I can't cope, and constant negative thoughts made me that way.
If you feel like that again, do something that will stop you in your tracks. I went to find my ipod, sat down and plugged it in loud and started to sing. Mad, I know, but it worked.
You are most certainly not mad, if you are then we all must be as we all have experienced soemthing like this. Have you looked up meditation or anxiety self help books......they help.
Good Luck and let us know how you are doing.

04-02-11, 16:49
thanks i think you have replied before - i was over thinking at the time which sent me into panic and then when it came i could stop my thoughts the whole day just seems like a blur with worry i have a serious mental problem and im hypo-aware of everything and testing my thoughts trying to figure out whats wrong with me