View Full Version : worried cat allergies can kill u. please read

04-02-11, 15:18
Hi Girls.

Like an idiot I got my son a kitten yesterday! I was never confirmed as having a cat allergy but when around them I would sneeze, get all bunged up, headache, etc etc and generally felt lousy!!!

It started when I was pregnant so I assumed at some point this weird allergic reaction would stop.
I had an outdoor cat that didnt effect me as much unless he had been sleeping on my bed- and as I had never had a proper diagnosis I was never 100% certain I had this pet allergy!

Well I moved home and sadly my cat ran away so for 2 weeks I have had NO symptoms at all that would point to any kind of allergy, that was until I got the kitten.

Im all bunged up, my face is aching from the sneezing and sniffing, my nose is dripping like a tap and I feel lousy.
I got the kitten because I was never 100& sure I was allergic and I did assume it was something brought on my pregnancy hormones when I had my 2 children and that during the summer it was a simple case of hayfever..
Well its back again now and Im convinced if I dont see a dr and get it diagnosed that it'll kill me
Can cat allergies have that kind of serious side effect on someone? Im well freaking out.
I got some antihestimines so Im hoping that helps but since googling "serious cat allergies" I cant stop thinking it's gonna kill me or something...

04-02-11, 15:53
No, it's not going to kill you, I have some pretty serious allergies myself and I'm still here!

I hate to be the bearer of bad news but I don't think it is a smart move to have a cat in the house, even with antihistamines.

I have had animal dander allergies all my life and am now in my forties, they are still as bad as ever! I can walk into a house and if an animal has been there (especially a cat!) I know it, even if the animal is in another room. My eyes swell and close, lips puff up (look like Mick jagger on a bad day), and my asthma is affected.

How would your son feel about having a goldfish? No chance of allergies with that!

I hope you manage to get something sorted out but it looks doubtful for the kitty, sorry. :flowers:

04-02-11, 17:27
I don't think cat allergies can kill you - it's similar to hay fever.

Try www.allergybestbuys.com (http://www.allergybestbuys.com). There is a product called Petalcleanse. Basically you wipe your cat's fur once a week with the lotion, and it removes the allergens (it is the dander, saliva and urine that holds the allergens). Apparently it reduces symptoms in 90% of people who are allergic to animals.

There's also something called Fabricleanse, which is an anti-allergen laundry additive. It gets rid of pet allergens in fabrics eg clothing, bed sheets. And Aircleanse, which you spray in the air once a week, and after 3 weeks it clears pet allergens by 75%. And Homecleanse, which you spray on pets' bedding once a week to clear the allergens.

I don't have a link with this company btw, I bought some dermatitis barrier cream from them once, and they send me catalogues. I got one yesterday and happened to notice these products last night. I don't know how effective they are, it's just a coincidence that you posted at the same time I saw them!


04-02-11, 18:14
Hi, I have exactly this. I have two indoor cats and I have been managing away with my ventolin inhaler. My symptoms have recently got worse and my chest keeps closing in when going through to where the cats are and to things like stale cigarette smoke outside etc. I have recently also got a pulmicort preventative inhaler and tried it just once last night. Today I have a rash on my hands, the information leaflet does say it can cause a rash if you are allergic to it, so I am not going to take it again. I am going to get a blood test done to see what it is exactly I am allergic to but it must be the cats. Dahlia thanks ever so much for the information on these products, I have never heard of or tried any of those but I will do now.

05-02-11, 00:48
You might find your allergy clears up once you get used to the kitten being around - my husband's did, which meant I didn't have to get rid of him lol

05-02-11, 01:00
It could be a good idea to re home the kitten while it's young if you think you may have to at some point.
I hope the doctor helps x

05-02-11, 15:55
Hi Jeanine, I have to say mishel is right. Allergies like this are not pleasant,please don't put yourself through this,on the otherhand you could keep the cat outside, but what would be he point of having a pet at all then. It will be serious if you cannot get your breath. Please take care :shrug: