View Full Version : Anxiety - First time asking for help / advice

04-02-11, 15:24
Hi everyone - first time posting here so I apologise in advance if I've posted this to the wrong area or don't get things quite right. I've read many threads over the last year or so and am at the point I need some words from others.

I am a 30 something man and suffering from anxiety that is currently really affecting my life, my ability to work and my family. I am now recognising that minor symptoms of this have been present for years and a lot of change in my outlook on life and behaviours have been affected by this. As I'm sure many people will agree, it's not easy to ask for help and to reach out to others when you feel like this and I'm finally trying to take that step....

Last year I had several months of moderate depression and anxiety / panic attacks that was treated with citalopram and cbt between my GP and local mental health team.

I came out of this very positive and had nearly 6 months not looking back and made progress at work and in my personal life.

About a month ago, several factors creapt up on me and something happened that triggered a day of crippling panic attacks - ever since, I have experienced severe anxiety - currently mostly unable to leave the house without company, scared of the phone ringing - unable to answer the door and making all this worse, a loss of any sleeping pattern....

I have been to see my GP who has pescribed a return to Citalopram - after a couple of weeks of no improvement and a nasty experience with sleeping tablets that did not agree with me, I have been pescribed buspirone. I awoke the second day of taking these with the symptoms massively reduced.... However I've only been given a really small amount and told not to take them for more than 3 days at a time and to only use until the Citalopram starts to take effect again. I used them for 3 days and instead of stopping, tried to reduce to 2 tablets rather than 3 - the symptoms returned almost immediately and the next day of taking only 1, I could not cope at all...

I have another appointment with my GP today. I am going to be accompanied as the thought of leaving the house and seeing the GP is overwhelming at the moment.

Has anyone out there experienced similar anxiety with or without the medication I have been pescribed and how are you / did you cope? In my rational thoughts, I know a lot of what I am feeling can be alleviated by a return to sleep, exercise etc. but after weeks of trying I can't take the first steps to this.

Please if you have the time - I would welcome any thoughts or to hear of anyone elses experiences.


04-02-11, 17:56
Hi mate

Sorry your haveing a rough time . I,m pretty new hear and only suffered with depression and anxiety for two months , it slowly creapt up on me without reliseing and i didn,t want to leave the house etc , by the sounds of it i wasn,t as bad as yourself , and was put on citalpram 20 mg which must have worked as i,m feeling much better after 3 weeks .

I,m sure other peeps with more experiece (for the want of a better word) will reply tonight .
I know how difficult it was for me at the time . If you could force yourself to go for a walk and get out even if only for a short period of time it does help

Mel :welcome: