View Full Version : Eating, swalling food, choking phobia

04-02-11, 15:26
Hi All

as mentioned in my intro anxiety and panic is nothing new to me, I just cope a lot better with it these days

But I have suddenly developed this fear during eating that my food will get stuck in my throat... which is bad cos I love my food lol on a serious note I like to keep fit and need to maintina my eating levels for energy etc

I don't know where it has come from but when eating I end up having panic attacks as I begin struggling with when to swallow and when to breath

I don't where this has come from but it's really getting to me

any advice is much appreciated


05-02-11, 06:03
Well, I have also this problem but before to choose best i made an appointment with a psychologist for next wednesday. i really hope this gets resolved. i just want to be free and go out to eat with friends and not worry if im going to choke, make a fool out of myself, or look like i dont want to eat.. when that really is not the case .

06-02-11, 17:40
Well, I have also this problem but before to choose best i made an appointment with a psychologist for next wednesday. i really hope this gets resolved. i just want to be free and go out to eat with friends and not worry if im going to choke, make a fool out of myself, or look like i dont want to eat.. when that really is not the case .

exactly the same here

this is a very new aspect of my anxiety and I want to get rid of it quickly

thanks for your reply, please keep me posted on how you get on, any help/ideas as top resolve this are much appreciated

07-02-11, 09:08
Yeah, I have had that. Even now I get fleeting feelings of it; I suddenly can't swallow anything. I have no idea what this is all about - just another instance of anxiety bro!

07-02-11, 12:31
Yeah, I have had that. Even now I get fleeting feelings of it; I suddenly can't swallow anything. I have no idea what this is all about - just another instance of anxiety bro!

Hi Kaiser

cheers for the reply

you say you have had it, suggesting you have overcome it to an extent, did you find anything which helped with this?

I am eating (I am forcing myself to do so) but not eating anywhere near as much as I should or would like to. The thought of eating is becoming an issue now, only managed a small toasted muffin this morning. Gonna try and eat some of last nights chinese left overs for lunch (left overs are a brand new thing for me i never used to leave any of my food) :mad:

johnny boy
25-04-11, 18:34
hey leeroy this is the same as me i also like to keep fit i go to the gym about 3 days a week and i used to do amateur boxing lol i cant believe that i cant eat its really upsetting me as i used to love my steak, & home made cottage pies. now i am living on soft food which is not great for my muscle building i used to way in as a middleweight boxer now im a welterweight! i have not stopped eating my foods although some times i avoid meat i start to chew and then pause for about 2 seconds and then GULP it down i have a fear of chocking and its really upsetting me ! i hope your doing ok mate just trust me though dont stop eating once you do that you have let it win keep fighting it =)

26-04-11, 00:43
This was really how my anxiety first manifested, over twenty years ago now. I couldn't eat because I found it hard to swallow. In hindsight, severe anxiety was causing a lump in my throat. I survived on chocolate milk, soup, yoghurt, complan drinks for months until I was diagnosed by a psychiatrist. I've sort of got past this symptom now though thankfully.

Best Wishes.

26-04-11, 00:48
My swallowing hasn,t been right for ages , food feels stuck at times but the Dr says anxiety and shes right as it went away for a week . Also the lump in the throat feeling . I just try to ignore it , but see the dr if you havn,t already done so for reassurance