View Full Version : Goodbye for now :)

04-02-11, 16:02
This isn't because of anyone, I just wanted to say i'm leaving the forum for a while. It isn't helping me in the way I need, as in for me personally, I find myself seeking too much reassurance all the time. And I believe this creates a bad loop for me right now. I need to believe it myself. And I have been reading books about HA and CBT that advise what I feel.

I realised I don't ever feel better in the long run after talking it out a lot with people, it makes me think the problem is more apparent. I just feel like I need to take this step.

This is just me, and I have had some excellent advise and support from a few people here, thank you so much. I will always appreciate that :)

Good luck to you all! You can all do it.

Oh and if anyone wants support or advice, just PM me. I'll be happy to help in any way I can.

04-02-11, 16:08
I've had to leave the forum too but I come back every few weeks to offer help if I can. Logging on here was part of my checking/ocd behaviour. Sometimes you have to leave to stay sane, even though today i am having a bit of a slide and a panic.

I wish you well.

04-02-11, 16:29
Thanks :). Yes I found this site has become part of my checking problem too.
Good luck to you and I wish you well.

04-02-11, 16:30
Thanks :). Yes I found this site has become part of my checking problem too.
Good luck to you and I wish you well.

04-02-11, 16:36
good luck god bless

04-02-11, 16:46
Good luck electricalice, onwards and upwards eh :) Keep strong and positive, you can do it !!:yesyes:

04-02-11, 16:51
Thanks cookie :) you can do it too! PM me anytime, good luck :)

04-02-11, 17:03
Good luck Alice .Im sorry you are leaving but at the same time believe you are doing the right thing .Keep in touch and let us know how you are progressing .You will do it but you mustnt google lol All the best with your recovery . Sue x:byebye:x

04-02-11, 18:05
Your doing the right thing imho , good luck and don,t be a complete stranger :D

I was on here 24/7 but now i,m back at work i,m not visiting as often as sometimes it makes me dwell on things .

macc noodle
04-02-11, 18:06
Bye for now Electric Alice - I am sure you will be missed as your posts always seem to offer good advice.

Good luck with your recovery - great to see someone having the courage and foresight to see what is working - come back and help from time to time when you are able


04-02-11, 20:03
Yeah, I think I have to completely agree with you and I'm going to call it quits too. I don't really seem to get a response from anybody on here when I need help the most. When I first joined, it was much better, but now I get no responses. It's probably for the best. I probably shouldn't be reading about other people's problems. For me, it just fuels my HA, knowing what "other" types of diseases/conditions/symptoms are out there. So I have to thank you, because you making this move to stop visiting this site and opening my eyes to see that I may need the same thing will probably help me more than anything else!

Good luck with your recovery!

04-02-11, 20:23
Thanks so much for all of your replies :). It means a lot! And please anyone PM me if they want my email to stay in touch. Saying some of my advice was helpful means so much to me :)! And I got a lot of good advice here too.

Nellie, I'm glad I helped you see a way forward, that's great! I'm sure you'll do great :) and keep in touch to let me know!

04-02-11, 22:04
hi in a way i know that is true as i am not on here as much when i am working either mabe i should leave for a while too ? as i am ok when i am at work ? this site did really help me at the start as you say i stiil get my replys from the person i reply too as he has helped me the most no names though as they will know who i am talking about ? and i am grate full to him ? an as you say thanks to everyone ? i wish you luck in your recovery take care xx:hugs:

sarah jayne
04-02-11, 22:57
I left but ive ended up back again. Good luck xxx

05-02-11, 09:08
I know we have never spoken but I know exactly what you mean. I wish you well in the future and hope that you manage to slay this deamon and once you have come back and tell us all how to do it.

Stay strong xxxxx