View Full Version : bad acid reflux, burning stomach, lump feeling in throat, burning between shoulder bl

04-02-11, 18:39
for quite a few months now i have started feeling burning just below my ribs right in the center, tight squeezing stomach feeling, lump feeling in throat like i cant swallow,bloatedness, abdomen pains, nausea, burning between shoulder blades & sometimes trembles..

it started back in aug i was going through bad anxiety and just lost all appetite and never ate nothing (one quarter piece of toast a day) up untill nov now am just eating tiny things was mainly bread with ham, tuna or jam , toast, biscuits & chocolate but before i started eating i was getting these burning raw feelings in my belly esp when i felt really really hungry anyway i still have these burning raw feelings and lump in throat even if i have eaten or now........ my doctors kept sending me home with just gavison but i knew something was wrong with me so i basically demande blood tests so i got the results back as high food allergies but the bloods dont tell u which foods so have to get a scope in march i couldnt wait that long so i booked a private food allergy test which shown up i am allergic to wheat , potato's & bananas ( i had been living on bread for 6months :doh:) anyway i now have to go wheat, potato free :( but i have started this yesterday and touch wood not had any bloated feeling but am still having this EXTREME ACID and it just wont budge am having gavison after something to eat usually take this 2-4 times a day also am on lansoperzole 30mg (find these crap!!) i am still getting the scope in march even though ive had the food allergy tests but my negative mind still thinking maybe its something more major not just acid etc..... maybe these tests results are wrong and i have major issues going on in my belly chrons etc....even though my doc done a full round test even for hpylori all neg apart from food allergy one???? the burning does start if i eat choc, hot drinks etc... or if am really hungry can this really just be bad acid and how can i sure it without meds?? is the best option a strict bland diet for a few weeks??

forgot - the burning raw tight pains will start just below my ribs in the center and travel down by my belly button and up into my throat :(

do you no any foods that sooth it ?? i find porridge is ok!! have been told vanilla icecream is good but not tried

04-02-11, 19:03
hi mate
i know how ur feeling . have you tried diff meds .iv just started 40mg of pantoprazole.touch wood they are working but its early days . choc and hot drinks def start me off .i get it in my chest and back ,also feel sick with it and the lump in the throat thing pisses me right off

04-02-11, 19:13
hi mate
i know how ur feeling . have you tried diff meds .iv just started 40mg of pantoprazole.touch wood they are working but its early days . choc and hot drinks def start me off .i get it in my chest and back ,also feel sick with it and the lump in the throat thing pisses me right off

OMG some1 in the same boat as me .............. i no how your feeling as i have had chocolate today i usually dont have it well try not to so am burning my whole bk feels like its on fire :( am gonna go back doctors about the meds bein changed.d o you take gavison aswell or anything like that ??
i didnt believe that it could just be acid!!!! have had this burning in my stomach n back all day and that horrible annoying lump in my throat x
how do you sooth yours ?

04-02-11, 19:30
Hi honeypie

I,m in the same boat , but mine settles for nearly a day and then comes back.
I,m on the lansprazole 30 mg and i also think there crap . The only relief i get when the burning starts is to take a ranitide 150 mg (i have prescription for both) Mine started around October with a sore throat .
I,ve probably said this before on here , but the ranitidine is just zantac 75 but its double strength . You can (doc said) take the ranitidine aswell but it must be a few hours after the lansoprazole or the lanso doesn,t work .

I would try the otc zantac aswell , gaviscon does nothing for me .

Just a thought , your not takeing the gaviscon within an hour of the lanzo ?? that will stop the lanso working . You need to take the lanso on a empty stomach aswell and no food for 30 minutes after .

Sorry if i,ve said all this before .

04-02-11, 19:38
Good food for me

steamed chicken
mash spuds
ice cold milk
cereal like cheerios , porridge
pasta , brown rice
any veg steamed or boiled


Alcohol .....instant burn

anything tomatoe based , pizza , rich sauces on pasta etc..
fried bacon
etc etc..

My only vice is 4 cans of beer at night ,i had no beer for a month , i no longer care this week i need the beer . I,m packing it in again from monday .

04-02-11, 19:44
Me again ..lol..

I think i,m right in saying that the gaviscon just creates a foam barrier at the top of the stomach (like floats) that stops acid comeing up.....but it doesn,t cut the acid down like the zantac / ranitidine does .

I did alot of reading on this on the net , its just what i read but don,t google stomach issues .

04-02-11, 21:44
Me again ..lol..

I think i,m right in saying that the gaviscon just creates a foam barrier at the top of the stomach (like floats) that stops acid comeing up.....but it doesn,t cut the acid down like the zantac / ranitidine does .

I did alot of reading on this on the net , its just what i read but don,t google stomach issues .

yes gavison is meant to be taken after every meal and as you said just cover (floats ) ontop and holds for a while am sick of bein in this pain but i no its the chocolate i ate today and i havent even eaten much all i have had is

5am - woke up hungry

6am - had 3 chocolate roses (stupid idea i no esp having choc on empty stomach thats asking the acid to attack) :mad:

7am - piece of flapjack & a warm cup of tea (i did used to drink them red hot but realized now its a no no for acid) (caffine not good for acid :weep:)

12pm - 4ryvita crackers, ham & lettuce's ( i just found out that lettuce actually irritate the stomach lining) bit late now :weep:

4pm - small bowl of porridge (think this is the only good thing i have eaten all day :)

so i havent eaten now for nearly 6hours been having chewing gum to push the acid bk down out my throat :huh:

so starting now my bland diet begins but i wont eat anything else tonight as the acid is really burning giving me that bad nausea feeling but i no when we dont eat it only gets worse..............:wacko:

so am just doing myself a little food list of bland foods starting tomorrow no choc etc............. i hate this pain its like a raw burning feeling in my belly plus buring in my left shoulder blade............. but i believe if you stick to a bland diet for about 6-8 weeks you can then start introducing foods back in slowly and see how u go ??

plus i smoke which dont help so i wanna try quitting this to:wacko:

plus am allergic to wheat, potatoes & bananas i never used to be well i dont think i did as all my bloated pains etc,.. only started once this acid all started ?? so maybe one day i can eat them again but for now i have to be free of these as they cause me to much pains

04-02-11, 23:09
Best of luck with the bland diet :yesyes: If you find it works please give me a few pointers etc...

This acid stomach is awefull .

Take care x

05-02-11, 00:37
Best of luck with the bland diet :yesyes: If you find it works please give me a few pointers etc...

This acid stomach is awefull .

Take care x

I guess anything s worth a try aint it ? am just sick of bein up all hours or been in agony all day with thsi churning / nausea / burning feeling in my belly or just my back burning like crazy... how do you cope with these feelings ??

05-02-11, 09:00

I didn,t cope in the end , it was that bad that was the last straw after months of illness and i ended up on AD,S .

How i cope now ...........The ranitidine 150 mg works in 30 minutes when i get the burning . I never thought it would improve at the time but it did and it will for you .
Ask the Doc about changeing your meds perhaps .

it will get better , but it is awefull at the time . Hope you feel better soon .
If i was you i,d grab some zantac 75 today and take them aswell untill you see the doc .

05-02-11, 09:12

I didn,t cope in the end , it was that bad that was the last straw after months of illness and i ended up on AD,S .

How i cope now ...........The ranitidine 150 mg works in 30 minutes when i get the burning . I never thought it would improve at the time but it did and it will for you .
Ask the Doc about changeing your meds perhaps .

it will get better , but it is awefull at the time . Hope you feel better soon .
If i was you i,d grab some zantac 75 today and take them aswell untill you see the doc .

am going to boots this morning to see what else i can have and will grab zantac :unsure: hopefully they will help as woke up still with that raw burning feeling managed few spoonfulls of porridge and a small piece of flapjack wooohooo hahaha just dont want to eat as its that bad x

05-02-11, 09:15
do u find you burp alot ?? thats all i seem to do when the burning is here also had my few spoons of porridge then i get that heavy feeling just center below my ribs :(

i have been told water is the best to drink to reduce acid ??

05-02-11, 13:26
Yes i get the burping and full feeling aswell :weep: The ranitidine also stops this up to a certain extent .

The burping was almost constant at one point .

07-02-11, 07:01
I also get bad acid reflux and found lansoprazole did not help me. So my doctor changed them for omeprazol. Sometimes I still get bad reflux with them but is a lot more under control. The lump in the throat feeling is really just anxiety and the reflux, I used to excessivly worry over it, but if you tell yourself it is just the reflux and anxiety, and ignore it when you get it, it will go away. I know this sounds impossible but you have to find a way of distracting yourself. :)

07-02-11, 21:31
How are you today , hope its eased off for you .

27-12-11, 02:56
I'm suffering with the same symptoms, and am sick of traipsing back and forwards to my GP surgery, seeing different GPs with the same symptoms.

I've suffered with acid on my stomach on and off for years, since being a teenager. I was a smoker from being 13 (I'm 26 now) and ate chocolate every day. I also drink a LOT of tea. This is the most severe that my troubles and symptoms have ever been.

Its started one Thursday tea time. I went to sit down after a day cleaning the house/playing with my son/cooking meals etc. As I settled down with my laptop and a cuppa, I found I was becoming extremely breathless and was struggling to catch a deep breath. I got up and walked about and it eased off. It then came back, accompanied by a lump feeling in my throat and pains in between my shoulder blades as well as my right shoulder aching heavily. I constantly felt like someone was pushing a fist into my left lung. Of course, after a couple of hours I started to panic (my grandad was diagnosed with Lung cancer a few weeks before this started). I ignored it, thinking I'd picked a cold or something up and it started to disappear. It then came back with vengence on the Sunday and I barely slept - with worry. I went to work on the Monday but got myself so worked up and worried that my husband took me to a walk in centre when I got home from work.

Symptoms: Tightness in chest, felt like left lung was crushed, pain between shoulders, lump in throat, unable to take a deep breath, feeling breathless, crackling in left lung.

Doctors findings: Pulse - Normal, Blood pressure - normal and fine, Blood oxygen levels from peg thing on finger - 97% (which for a smoker is brilliant apparently....), heart - fine, chest - rattles on left lung or rales as doc describes them. Was informed that I had 'fluid on the lung, probably caused by a virus'. Was told to keep taking paracetamol for any pain and rest, and if no better in 2 weeks to go back for antibiotics.

After 4 weeks, I was still no better, so I took myself off to my GP. I described my symptoms, how I was only comfortable and pain free sitting with my upper body at a 45 degree angle, lying on my left side or standing upright (which in turn started causing other health problems to be aggravated). I was diagnosed with stomach acid reflux and I was prescribed Lansaprozole for 4 weeks. I took them and immediately felt better. Unfortunately this feeling of being acid free started to wear off after 2 weeks. I was also tested for H.Pylori, which came back as negative.

After another 4 weeks, I went back to my GP and saw another doctor. I described the symptoms again, as well as others that I'd accumulated - feeling like I'd swallowed a very sharp knife that was digging into both sides and from my stomach through to my back. The lump feeling had also spread from my throat down to my breastbone. I was constantly bloated. ANYTHING I ate or drank made me severely bloated, crippled in pain, feeling stabbed and unable to get comfortable. I couldn't even carry my 2 year old son to bed without being near collapse with pain.

Once again, I was pulled and prodded, and advised that it was definately my stomach that was swollen and tender. I was given Omeprazole for 7 weeks, the 1st week I had to take 2 a day then reduce dose to 1 a day. I'm am now onto my 4th week of these tablets and don't feel any better. I still have the 'lump' sensation in my throat, I'm losing my appetite fast, I feel constantly sick, got a constant pain in between my shoulder blades - as if I've been punched really hard and winded.

I just want some answers, I'm awaiting blood test results for my liver function. I was advised to 'lose weight' and stop smoking as both make this problem worse. I have been a non-smoker now for 4 weeks and don't feel much better other than I can smell smoke on clothes etc - and its a horrible smell - which has made me feel a bit better in my general self. I hope I can find some answers other than 'its Gastro' probllems :0( I'll keep popping back to see if anyone else has answers from their gp's and docs. thanks for reading x

kirst xxx
28-12-11, 22:05
i have all these sypmtoms finally went the doctor and guess what..... put me back on sertraline!

02-01-13, 13:26
Hi guys does the lump in throat ever go away??? Mine has been there for around 3 months

19-01-13, 19:28
Sounds just like me, on investigation I had a hernia and gall stones which were causing pain between my shoulder blades!!