View Full Version : Tickly cough

04-02-11, 18:41
Hi everyone
Im so scared that something is wrong with me, im coughing about 2 months on and off, went so many times to doctors, they say is nothing wrong, but i still got this annoying dry cough. It feels like tickles when i breath in, sometimes when i exhale and i need to cough, but after cough the tickle dont despair. I dont cough in nights, just in day
Could anxiety cause the cough?

04-02-11, 22:58

I have GERD with very bad acid reflux - this can caused a persistant tickly cough. Have a look at GERD on the net and it will give you all the othe syptoms.
here is a little from an explanation from one site;
Cough and asthma
Many nerves are in the lower esophagus. Some of these nerves are stimulated by the refluxed acid, and this stimulation results in pain (usually heartburn). Other nerves that are stimulated do not produce pain. Instead, they stimulate yet other nerves that provoke coughing (http://www.medicinenet.com/script/main/art.asp?articlekey=1977). In this way, refluxed liquid can cause coughing without ever reaching the throat! In a similar manner, reflux into the lower esophagus can stimulate esophageal nerves that connect to and can stimulate nerves going to the lungs. These nerves to the lungs then can cause the smaller breathing tubes to narrow, resulting in an attack of asthma. (http://www.medicinenet.com/script/main/art.asp?articlekey=284)
So, GERD is a common cause of unexplained coughing. Although GERD also may be a cause of asthma, it is more likely that it precipitates asthmatic attacks in patients who already have asthma. Although chronic cough (http://www.medicinenet.com/script/main/art.asp?articlekey=1977) and asthma are common ailments, it is not clear just how often they are aggravated or caused by GERD.

Hope this helps


05-02-11, 07:49
Im takeing Nexium 40 mg per day, just started to take 3 days ago, hopefully it will help
I never had asthma, so now im more scared, as i might have asthma?

05-02-11, 11:02
Hi Dace

Hope the nexium helps.
You probably do not have asthma as GERD only exacerbates symptoms in those who already have it. You more likely just have the GERD cough - which i've had for years. Its annoying and comes and goes depending on how your GERD/acid reflux is. I know if I forget to take my tablets - its a lot worse


05-02-11, 14:19
Thank you, i think as well when i have acid reflux and more worryng just makes more worst

05-02-11, 14:26
Thank you, i think as well when i have acid reflux and more worryng just makes more worst