View Full Version : FISH OIL REACTION & Omega 3's

04-02-11, 21:10
I was told by my doctor to take Omega 3's in high doses. We decided since salmon is high in both DHA and EPA and is cheap in our area that I would start eating a large serving of salmon a day, plus omega 3 eggs and some flax seeds and oil. I did not want to take take fish oil because of the unknown quality.

At about 3 weeks my anxiety and panic went through the roof, I can't sleep - am pacing the floor all day and feeling insane. I have been off everything for 3 days and not much better.

Has anyone here had a bad reaction to fish oil


04-02-11, 21:46
Unfortunately, I have. It doesn't matter if it is fish oil, salmon oil, or krill oil. I've tried all three and in a short period of time I would find my anxiety moving steadily upward.

Is there a particular reason your doctor wants you to take in more Omega 3's? If it is cholesterol issues, perhaps you could ask him about taking nicotinic acid (the niacin that makes you flush). I'm taking 1000 mg a day and find that it helps to relax me - but then I get a cheap thrill from the flushing too LOL

04-02-11, 23:37
96 My anxiety is near terror now - how bad was yours


04-02-11, 23:46
James, it was bad enough each time to make it impossible to leave the house and I had to take the upper range of the amount of Xanax my doctor allows me each day for about three days running after the reactions set in.

I know many people find that various and sundry fish oils help calm them down - unfortunately, I'm not one of them.

05-02-11, 00:10
96 Did that happen with just one dose.

I took two doses of an antidepressant 6 months ago and still having serious symptoms. Jerking, quivering and lots of neurological stuff.

Doctor though the Omega 3's would help heal the brain

05-02-11, 00:16
No, it took a few days of taking the fish/salmon/krill oil before the negative reaction set in.

I'm surprised your doctor didn't recommend a good quality B complex vitamin, since all the vitamins in the B family are important for regulating the nerves.

05-02-11, 00:27
How long did it last


05-02-11, 00:35
Usually by the fourth day, the worst was over

05-02-11, 15:01
thanks for writing this up gentleman i was wondering about this myself but put it all down to me being paranoid,,ive had heart probs all threw adult hood and decided fish oils would help,,with that plus my joints and brain,,lord knows the latter needs help,,anyway id been taking cod liver oil high strengh 1000mg a day,,at first i felt fine ,,my skin felt lovely,,great but by a week later i was nearly jumping out of my skin,,my heart miss beats had increased ,,if i wasnt nearly on the verge of panic ,,i felt uptight,,its a shame though as it did wonders for my skin and hair lol