View Full Version : Heart Question-Is this normal?

04-02-11, 23:40
Hey guys.

Just now my mom came back from the laundromat and I went out to help her. She had 3 bags that were reasonably heavy.

Anyways I helped her unload the shopping cart with the bags and BROUGHT EVERYTHING DOWNSTAIRS WHERE I noticed how fast my pulse was racing.

This is my biggest issue at the moment. I can do any type of exercise but when I realize how fast my heart is going it causes me to panic.

This is supposed to happen though right cuz I'm a bit freaked out right now. Not to mention I;m a bit tired so I'm also a bit shakey and nervous.:weep::weep::weep:

04-02-11, 23:43
perfectly normal dont worry x

04-02-11, 23:48
Thanks for the quick reply. I hate my life so much right now. Last week I was feeling great. I was exercising and wasn't worrying about anything and ever since I saw that young lad who died on the basketball court and the other lad who died lifting weights, it's really freaked me out to the point where I don't even wanna walk.:mad::weep:

04-02-11, 23:50
im sure i answered one of your post aroung xmas and i told you my brother has the same problem can you remember

04-02-11, 23:56
I remeber, your brother has anxiety as well right?

I had started doing better last week when I began exercising. But I saw the news about two young men who died. One when playing basketball and the other when lifting weights and the news has really brought me down.

It makes me so scared to even walk a bit fast and now I'm all focused on my heart again.

05-02-11, 00:06
well ive had my brother on the phone tonight he was anxious because he had been to the gym for the first time in months and now he was having palpatations and i told him about you because you sound so similar with the sam,e worries and i told him the same as im going to tell you because like you hes been ok for the last few weeks a real heart problem doesnt just come on when you think about it take my brother for instance he went to the gym for the first time in ages and was a bit anxious in case it brought on his palpatations and look what happenend he got them because he brought them on by being anxious and focusing on his heart rhythm and you were doing fine until you heard about those poor boys dying and you got anxios and them what happens you focus on your heart and it rhythm which is definantly going to change in speed with what ever we are doing at the time and they are not the symptoms of a bad heart they are the symptoms of anxiety and nothing else please dont worry you are perfectly fine x

05-02-11, 00:37
palpitations are NOT a sign of heart problems

05-02-11, 03:25
hey mark, these things are really unsettling, I know from experience mate

I really struggled to bring myself to exercise when I first suffered with my anxiety. I was so self aware of my heart rythm and my breathing patterns that one time I left the gym and wanted to run home to reach my saftey zone but at the same time wouldnt run as not to make my heart beat too fast

Now logic and facts tell us that if we exert our selves then the heart will beat faster and we will breath more heavily, its natural and is purely about getting oxygen to the muscles as all humans require.

As with your issue in the intitial post, you carried the shopping bags so you used a bit of enrgy and your body comepensated in order to power that energy, but when you noticed it you misread it to be your heart playing up.... I know I have done this myself so many times

What happened to the two guys you speak of is not eyond the realms of possibility for you or I (or any of us) but the liklihood is so so slim. And with this kind of sudden death sydrome the victim will just keel over, they wont be pandering to the attention of a fast heart rate before hand... I dont mean to sound direct or uncaring, I am just statiing the facts, which are so so hard to see especially in times of intense panic

You'll be fine but remember you're not alone in this and things come good in the end