View Full Version : Right arm muscle weakness and aches

05-02-11, 01:52
Ok everyone, I'm sending this post again since no one has answered. For a little over a week I've had constant muscle aches and weakness in my right arm and sometimes I cant even lift my right arm at all because its tight, sore and weak. My parents believe its from work as I worked a few shifts a week in a kitchen and I havent really worked before this so they think my muscles arent use to it. But its only one arm and it started hurting about 5 days after the last shift I had before it started anyway. My muscles are so sore I'm worried a little that it may be something serious like MS or MND despite the fact I'm only 20 (well almost, I will be in 2 weeks), my fingers are also a little weak and stiff on that hand as well and so's my shaulder and my wrist is also sore and weak, especially when I bend it, my left arm is a little sore, but its not that bad as the right arm and I dont know what it is. It started pretty quickly late last week and I'm just wondering what it may be. Anyone have any ideas at all? Or should I not freak out too much?:shrug: I just dont know what it is. It'd be great if someone posted. Please :) :hugs:

05-02-11, 02:04
Um It sounds like an over worked muscle.
I know my arm was sore, weak and achy for a day or two after lifting some heavy things.
Are you sleeping on your arm? as that an make it feel weak too.

Can you still lift your arm up above your head?