View Full Version : Headache and pain killers

05-02-11, 02:11
Hi everyone.

I didn't know where to put this so I am sorry if it's in the wrong place, really I am. I am without the internet at home, I am using a friends computer so I may not be able to check my replies for a while. One thing I can say is that I just couldn't wait to get on here to you guys!
Anyway...I have had a chronic headache for over a week. I'm not exagerating when I say that it totally hits me for six and I it makes me cry. I have taken co codamol and it eases it for about an hour, then it comes back with a vengance and I am back to square one. It stops me from doing the things I need to do and it definately makes my depression worse. My eyes feel like they could just close on the spot, so tired and in so much pain.
My meds at the moment are escitalapram, campral, thiamine, and lansoprazole, but I can't see the meds being the cause because I have been on them for such a long time and these headaches are recent.
Sometimes the pain comes out of the blue, like while I am shopping or something. A sharp horrible pain behind my eye brow that makes me cringe and feel sick. That will go after say 5 mins then I am left with an aching throb in my head.
The point is I am so fed up of this that I am so tempted to take much more pain killers than I am supposed to and begining to not care what the consequences might be. I am already taking 4 paracetamol in one dose, and that only just takes the edge off, so I'm thinking of taking 6 or 8 and because I am a drinker that could be about 6-8 cans as well as my usual meds...but I just don't care anymore, I just want to be pain free. The pain is deliberating and it throbs if I move my head, cough or laugh or bend so I basically have to try and keep so still, which is virtually impossible with the boys. I know what everyone is thinking...I should see my Gp. I haven't seen her and I probably won't, simply because she knows me as an anxiety sufferer and she will just send me away with a script for paracetamol....so why not take them all and get rid of this pain?
I'm so depressed and fed up, I'm going to sleep with it, waking up with it and spending all day with it, just can't do it anymore! So sorry guys if this is so grim just needed to talk to you all, since I have no internet at home I am missing my NMP friends ever so much.

Kez xxx

05-02-11, 04:08
no dont you can really damage your liver from the paracetamol and codeine turns into morphine in your system so its easy to over dose .

if the pain is one side it could be a migraine your having.
the drinking on pain meds is not good.

please see your doctor you shouldn't be in so much pain :( x x

05-02-11, 09:57
Thanks I might have to at this rate. xx

05-02-11, 12:36
Don't, it's not worth it. If it's that bad, go to a doctor, I know it's a weekend so hospital if it's that bad especially if you're thinking of taking that many pain killers. It won't do you any good, it'll just make you feel worse. Please just go and see somone.