View Full Version : Would Cancer show in blood test?.

05-02-11, 10:09
Im so so scared i have cancer and i feel i cannot cope anymore.Ive had my bloods done back in November,FBC and Liver/Kidney and a inflammation marker blood test,all were fine.Ive a really sore lower back daily and im worried ive cancer..my feet sometimes tingle and im scared,if cancer was present would my bloods not have been normal..some people say it shows in the bloods and some say it doesnt..can anyone help?

05-02-11, 10:20
it wud defo show some sort of problem which would warrant further testing. since urs were all fine then u have nothing to worry about! take it easy and relax. :)

05-02-11, 10:23
btw i know exactly how u feel. i too am terrified of cancer and think i have it on a daily basis! its not nice and makes u actually feel really ill. just to let u know ure not alone in all this

05-02-11, 10:24
Missykat is right Sandy. Also, I've suffered from lower back pain for years and often have pain and tingling in my feet. The doc says the problem is muscular. As well as painkillers, he gave me exercises to do, which help. I've also had ultrasound treatment from a physiotherapist in the past when my back has been really bad and it was brilliant x

05-02-11, 10:29
Thanks for your quick reply,im scared to believe it would..im so scared ive cancer,even back in November would it have shown something? sorry for repeating myself but im having a bad time at the moment..ive also stopped taking Duloxetine,i was weaned off it in 1 week,60mg down to 30mg that was 4 weeks ago,i was on it for 20mths,im now on 75mg Pregabalin twice daily and 15mg Mertazapine at night..i feel tingly in soles of feet and toes,is it the meds? i dont know..

05-02-11, 10:36
it really wud of showed something yes. but i know its hard to believe and take in when ure mind is tortured by the whole cancer thing, ure mind wont let u belive ure ok. with the tingling in the feet i used to get that when i was suffering severe anxiety and it was at its peak! it does go and its nothing to be concerned about. i dont know anything about weaning off meds tho sorry have never been on any before. i hope u feel better soon and believe me ure fine :hugs:

05-02-11, 10:44
As the others have said blood tests would show something amiss but would not scream out cancer. The fact your bloods were OK would mean there is nothing significantly wrong with you health wise other than an overactive mind. :)

05-02-11, 10:44
Its awful isnt it? maybe ive cancer now but not in November..oh i know yous will want to slap me and tell me to get a grip but its everyday all day,the fear.

05-02-11, 10:50
Even a plain simple Full Blood Count? would something be "off"...

05-02-11, 10:56
Even a plain simple Full Blood Count? would something be "off"...

Yes, Sandy, your white blood cell count would be up x

05-02-11, 13:17
Im totally convinced ive cancer and im in a complete state..when i google if it would show in a FBC it says no,now im a shaking mess...

05-02-11, 13:22
cancer wud not show in a FBC. BUT abnormalities would certanly show! cancer wud show some sort of abnormalities especially with ure white blood cells. so relax and do not google!!!

05-02-11, 13:27
I cant relax,my back pain is bad and im convinced its a tumour somewhere,i know i shouldnt google but today im so bad im searching everywhere,my head is spinning and i feel sick,my back is so sore,i hate this feeling,when i sit its worse,walking is better so thats a bad sign is it not?

05-02-11, 13:29
Hi Sandy,

I really feel for you. I am in exactly the same position as you, I cannot function on a daily basis through the fear of cancer. My mind is constantly thinking about it 24/7, even when I'm doing something, I'm busy, distracted etc my mind is still thinking about cancer. My poor children (2 girls aged 2 & 4) are suffering because even when I'm playing with them my mind is elsewhere.

In the last 9 months or so I've been tested for ovarian cancer (ultrasound), breast cancer, Brain tumour (CT scan), Lung cancer (2 x-rays), cervical cancer (colposcopy). I'm obsessed with it and currently am terrified that I have stomach or lung cancer. The fear is proper gut wrenching fear and is making me miss out on so much. I have a smile plastered on my face but inside I'm in meltdown.

I hope it helps you to know that others are in the same position as you, if you ever want to chat please feel free to PM me.

Big hugs
K xx

05-02-11, 13:30
did u see your doctor about ure back pain?

05-02-11, 15:18
I saw him last week he only did a urine test to see if i had a kidney infection..it was clear.

05-02-11, 15:20
breast was my worst fear ,,id never examine myself incase i found anything,,but when it was diagnosed i coped as you would if they found anything i promise you,,and you might be saying oh buts thats just you,,im the biggest coward going im scared of my own shadow,,but everyones right anything untoward would show up in your blood count,,do something nice for yourself and try to relax,,take care

05-02-11, 15:21
Kah,ive had since last July..a upper scope/colonoscopy/pelvic internal scan and a abdo scan...bloods done in July and repeated in Nov..bloods have been fine,i had some small cysts on my ovaries,my stomach was slightly inflamed when they did the scope/bowel was normal and my abdo ultrasound was fine..im a complete mess..

05-02-11, 16:22

I've had bloods done in June (which showed a low white cell count), July (which showed iron deficiency) and again in December. I realise now that my HA must have got so much worse in the last few months because I don't remember worrying too much when I got June/July results where as now I would be in a state of panic! My December tests were to check for anaemia and CRP to check for inflammation - both were fine.

However, even though they were fine my mind is telling me something different. We really are in the same boat I think, both unable to stop the negative thoughts taking over our lives. Today I've made a conscious effort to keep the thoughts at bay, not as successful as I'd liked but it's a start. The funny thing is today I've had a few chest pains and I've not been worried in the slightest, it's just cancer that's my problem.

I've been having CBT which I'm hoping will help over the next few months, have you tried anything like that?

K x

05-02-11, 16:32
Hi Yes im doing it now only 3 sessions down though..i feel its not helping,i simply cannot go on like this anymore,as i type im shaking like a leaf,my whole body is jittering up and down like im standing in the North Pole wearing teeshirt and shorts,my body is sore and my head is spinning,ive also 2 young kids 9 and 7..they deserve better not a mummy who cries all the time.Im on Pregabalin and Mertazapine,are you on any meds?.I cannot believe this has happened to me,i was totally fine until July last year then boom..i want to be me again but the fear this backache is cancer is too too much.x

05-02-11, 17:33
Yes I'm on Mirtazipine too, it hasn't helped the anxiety at all to be honest but it helps me sleep so I don't really want to stop it. I feel exactly the same about my family, I feel like I'm in such a state most of the time that they must wonder where their mummy has gone, that makes me feel worse and the anxiety gets worse, it really is a vicious cycle :(


05-02-11, 17:50
im worried because my weight has not gone up its supposed to with that med.Do you get pains? i know maybe thats a silly question but i mean do you have pain or is the thought just there,i have pain.x

05-02-11, 18:52
I haven't put weight on either but I'm not sure if it's because my anxiety is so out of control.
Yes I have pain, I could go into detail but I'll keep it brief!! I have an appt with a chest specialist in 3 wks time because I've been coughing up blood in my phlegm since October and also have constant arm/shoulder pain. I've had 2 chest x-rays which were clear but I stupidly googled lung cancer and read stories from people who had also had x-rays and their lung cancer hadn't shown up.
I am also having problems with my stomach. I have IBS but the past 3 weeks or so it's got really bad with lots of new symptoms. I have a really dry mouth, acid taste in mouth, feel full when eating a little, have abdominal pains and pains in my sides. As you can imagine my mind has gone into over-drive and it's constantly in my mind that I have lung cancer which has spread to my stomach. My GP thinks I'm being irrational and doesn't seem worried in the slightest, I think they are not looking at the big picture, just each pain individually.
Today I've also been having shooting pains in that same shoulder, which is sending me into panic mode because one symptom of lung cancer is shoulder pain from the tumour pressing on a nerve and that's exactly how it feels. At times today I've got that worked up that I've thought of going to A&E but I know I shouldn't. I can't even talk about it with my partner because he's sick to death of hearing what's wrong with me!!

Sorry that was supposed to be a short version!! Oh almost forgot, since beginning of December I've been absolutely shattered every day, even after just getting up in the morning.

Bet you wished you'd never asked :blush:
K xx

05-02-11, 19:31
Hi I too thought of going to A/E today but im scared to be told "youve gotta problem so we're keeping you in" everyone in my family are sick of me crying about cancer here,there and everywhere,but its there i know it.x