View Full Version : racing intrusive thoughts

05-02-11, 10:58
Hi i had a horrible day yesterday which started with a panic attack and i spent the rest of the day feeling awful, i managed to get a OK night sleep - but now this morning i just feel awful again worrying im going to have another attack i feel really spaced out but my mind is racing with horrible nonsense thoughts just dont know how i will get through the day - so worried i will started to lose control, need to be locked away and worried i hurt someone or lose the plot completely

05-02-11, 12:43
hi dc
racing thoughts are so horrible and a true sign of anxiety. Your mind is going a million miles an hour and you cant concentrate on anything.
A psycologist once said to me - "think of the colour yellow" - anyway, after about 5 mins of saying everything I could think of that was yellow, butter, custard, marigolds, buttercups, roses, etc etc - he turned to me and said "all I said was think of the colour yellow"!!!! I felt such an idiot although it taught me a valuable lesson.
All I can suggest is that you think of something very calming that you like - a deserted beach, a summer meadow etc and try to just keep that in your mind - think of nothing else. Its not easy at first - but keep trying.

Good luck
