View Full Version : heart pounding in my sleep

05-02-11, 11:19
silly question - in my dream last night my heart was racing (I mean really racing, at about 160 odd beats a minute as far as I recall). I can't remember what happened or why - could it just be that it was just part of my dream and wasn't really happening at all? Surely I'd have woken up if it was really going that fast? I did have a very stressful evening, my mum collapsed and then my granma gave me absolute hell for calling an ambulance for her so I was very stressed going to bed?

05-02-11, 11:34
I had a bit of chest pain as I was dropping off too but I think that was gone by the time I was sleeping?

Hazel B
05-02-11, 14:06
Daisy, I had this with anxiety. My heart would pound in my chest and it felt like it may pop out like an alien! My pulse was 130bpm and I would wake up in the night with it, it used to puzzle me as I would be warm and cosy but still the anxiety would kick in. Propranolol really helped in the first instance, then counselling, cutting out caffeine and nicotine and being more healthy.

Hope you're OK today.