View Full Version : serious anxiety, worried for no reason!

05-02-11, 14:06
hi everyone,
since yesterday for no apparent reason i've been really really worried to the point where i've nearly been sick.
i keep thinking all of these horrible thoughts like what if my boyfriend found someone else and decided to just leave me one day, or what if my mum got seriously ill and i'd have no mum or dad.
i'm also in a college course i really don't enjoy as i've been put in the bottom set for it as i never did my GCSE's, so i feel really depressed and dissapointed in myself for not taking my GCSE's, i really don't want to carry on doing my course as i have no interest for it anymore but i've been told to try and stick it out til the end of the year so i have a certificate in it until i go on to do my GCSE's and do a hairdressing course which i originally wanted to do in the first place, but i really can't cope with it, i'm getting bullied, the teachers are so unsupportive and i just find the course plain boring and i feel as though i can't get on with my work.
i feel so anxious and on edge and ill i just have no idea what to do, i found myself taking one of my mums anti depressants just to see if that would relieve the feeling if only for a bit. it's so horrible and i feel as though i'm at my wits end.
i ended up taking a citalopram which i haven't done for nearly a year now, i feel as though my life is on a downward spiral. i've found counselling doesn't help at all or seeing a psychatrist, right now all i want is a big cuddle off my boyfriend :( i feel so terrible and i just want all this anxiety to stop xxx

05-02-11, 15:39
Hi hun,

Your heading says "worried for no reason" I often have thoughts of the same manor that keep me up for days on end. If god forbid things like this were to happen they'd make a huge impact on your life hense why you worry about them alot. I've been with my partner 5 years and i still get worried he will leave me even though i know deep down he dotes on me.

From what you say your extremely unhappy with how things are going in your life at the moment, which seem's as though its manifesting into anxiety. For me personally when something goes wrong my panic and anxiety increse for example if im late with a bill or forget about something i had to do. :unsure:

You say your being bullied....unexceptable! Who is bulling you, have you reported it to anyone? :lac: This will be a huge impact on anxiety, i have suffered at the hands of bullys and they helped contribute to alot of problems i have today.

Have you spoken to your mother about the things bothering you? Do you have any support?

My advice would be book an appointment with your GP again, exsplain your worrys. Personally i have never taken medication because i never wanted to but diffrent strokes for diffrent folks :)

Good luck xx

06-02-11, 13:57
thanks juiceyloop :)
another worry which is quite bizzare is im very worried i'll find someone new whcih will replace my boyfriend, i actually don't fancy anyone else but for some reason it has me worried endless as i can't imagine me without my current boyfriend he's wonderful its such a crazy thought to have.
i've been an anxiety sufferer since my dad died in 2008 which triggered everything off and it has its times where its okay but lately it's been really bad, i'm so unhappy with college that I don't even want the certificate at the end of it I just feel plain bored with it, it's an absolute waste of my time when I could be studying to do my GCSE's which i never did before i went to college as i was homeschooled. totally regret it now though.
i've let every one of my teachers know i'm getting bullied but all they say is "well these pupils have personal issues", but its not really an excuse they get away with blue murder, i've told my mum who's reported it to the college and they've said the same thing. also told my mum about my course a few months ago and my options were stick it out til the end of this year or do my GCSE's, but i really cannot stick it out for much longer i have tried god knows i've tried but it's not for me and right now all i want to do is my GCSE's so i can do a course i'm actually happy with but i'll feel as though i've let everyone down if i quit now, but i just really cannot physically put up with this course anymore it's having a huge toll on my stress which i could really do without.
sorry for the huge reply just needed to vent!