View Full Version : Tiredness

05-02-11, 14:24
I couldn't sleep Weds so I stayed up all night, by the next night I was knackered but slept around 6-7 hours, I woke up yesterday and within 30 mins was so tired I had to just lazy about all day and then slept around 9 hours last night and I've woke up the same today.
Like the kind of tired you get when you haven't slept, I could easily fall asleep if I got into bed, I'm too tired to do anything, it's hard to read text on here because my eyes keep unfocusing and trying to close.
It's kinda scaring me that I'm so tired :( it just came on 2 days ago. I've tried caffeine and fresh air, exercise, even walking the dogs in the rain but had to come home after 4 minutes because I was so tired!
Anybody else get this?
I was supposed to have a friend over 2 nights ago but was too tired, same last night and tonight I'm going to have to say "I'm too tired to do anything" again!